❤️ ur welcome,took one month haha
Recent community posts
Why no praising this game enough it deserves more love, It is one of best VN i played.The sci-fi story goes too deep as we move further, although i didn't even understand many things what going but like whatever going was moving was on planned manner,so yeah you need to give some time to absorb what going on and i liked that story is main priority here.Tune for NXT update
8/10 (even not big fan of science fiction)
Ep 4 of ch 1 was like fcking movie, Daddy backstory,Mc was part of experiment reveal, Moon- Kei interaction, Aoife entry,Mc sacrifice, Peak Fight of Moon and Aoife, Kei realising he is Mc, Post hospitality,(except one Diddy scene).Nvr ever in life think that any game can comptete or even make story like Eternum lvl, nah game stand neck to neck, 2nd best this type of game i played.
Niichan you fcking goat bro,excited about what ch 2 holds
MOON IS THE BEST GIRL I SAID IS THE BEST 🗣️her backstory,her ability,her poetic way of talking, and the difference all girls over is that every want you to love them while moon is like even you not love her enough she will die happily to protect you 😭🙌 I can't express in words about her she is just too peak women
Bro just finished chp 2, is there some novel writer on your team ? bro like how tf you create every character development not only likeable but loveable at utmost lvl, lol imagine skipping Gwen she literally leaves her business for to become best women for kei. And her that scenes are most intense and hot(remind me of Alex from Eternum). and Man I can't this shit is so Well written 😭 moving to ep 4-
Just finished Solo emy /em/Emma , this is one of the best written story i ever played, the character development of Emma bcz leah was just beyond beautiful 😭. Kei was greatest husband and father ever i seen. I don't know I am planning to play original story line any time soon bcz this ending was just to perfect,Emma get every happiness she deserves