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A member registered Mar 23, 2019

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Love this! Cant wait to see where you go with it!

Love this! I'm excited for the next update; hope it's soon! Love the art work too.  I got nothing but positive things to say about this game. :)

Any updates on releasing this?

Thank you for keeping us updated, it makes waiting for the game updates so much easier. I can't wait to see what's next in this game! You've done an amazing job with it so far! :)

(3 edits)

My traveler is a human named Jerika. She's sheltered, but a lot more savvy than she comes across. She's socially awkward due to her sheltered lifestyle. I imagine she never really got along with her power hungry and/or content siblings due to her curiosity and penchant for breaking the rules (which increased when Vex showed up). She only got along with the one mentioned in the game. I've got several play throughs of her with each of the male LIs (I'm a straight girl and this is one of the few games where I like all the male LIs), though my favorite is Cal (love a guy with a sense of duty).

Cal then June! Damon and Vex  are tied for 3rd. 

OMG! I can't wait!!!  Anyone know what time (and what time zone that's gonna be in) it's suppose to be released at?  I have a feeling I'm gonna be checking every 15 minutes once midnight hits for me.

I really like this story/concept! I see it's been over a year since you updated it. Just curious, are you planning on continuing this? It has so much promise!



Anyone know what time zone the developer is in? I tried looking it up, but couldn't find it! :(