Recent community posts
A lot of case it is not at the center i want use "composite"node but no blend mode,i use the "blend"node need set crop or padding ,when add pic to "blend" always need change crop or padding everytime..i need spent 30~50% time to fix position..when at start need add big img will set need change all behind the blend pos..~~!
when i use blend node the ForeGround is small size pic will not Displayer ,need fix Padding or add Crop one by one....very hardly and very trouble..
Need set the blend image size everytime..very trouble..you can see the other composer software ,blend not need set pic size..
Each image component need adds crop node let the img size be large to fix the blend.and add transfrom node to fix blend pos..
When i use "Splice spirtesheet" nodes more will stuck or report BUG..Use "Animation" Mode-v1.16rc3
========== Crash log ==========
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object o_main:
surface_exists argument 1 incorrect type (array) expecting a Number (YYGI32)
========== Stack trace ==========
gml_Script_draw_surface_ext_safe (line 0)
gml_Script_anon_Node_Crop_gml_GlobalScript_node_crop_10001209_Node_Crop_gml_GlobalScript_node_crop (line 48)
gml_Script_drawNodeTools_Panel_Preview_gml_GlobalScript_panel_preview (line 1100)
gml_Script_drawContent_Panel_Preview_gml_GlobalScript_panel_preview (line 1428)
gml_Script_anon_PanelContent_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data_25200116_PanelContent_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data (line 924)
gml_Script_drawPanel_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data (line 666)
gml_Script_anon_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data_10591111_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data (line 402)
gml_Script_anon_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data_10591111_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data (line 421)
gml_Script_anon_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data_10591111_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data (line 421)
gml_Script_anon_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data_10591111_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data (line 421)
gml_Script_anon_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data_10591111_Panel_gml_GlobalScript_panel_data (line 421)
gml_Object_o_main_Draw_64 (line 39)
========= Crash log end =========