*insert epic battle music while bibits fight*
Yes, trulely evolving bibits, not just procedural sprites! Are we simulating an environment or not?!
Although that would consume a massive amount of cpu usage, I think this is definitely a must try.
The current WR is under 11 seconds actually you can find it on discord
I think it's possible to get under 12:00
No I got
Or is there a faster run?
video of the run comming up soon
Ha! World record right here xD Told ya
Do you have any footage of your run?
Damn I had 13:88! gonna try to beat you on escape 1 :p
hahaha I got 2 milliseconds better now! :p
it works very well with wine. The screen becomes dark if you play at good graphics, so set them at fast
i haven't found anything so you have to download the windows version and use wine. Dunno if it works yet I'm trying it rn
Maybe you should add some sort of immovable walls? Or obstacles they can dig into but it uses energy?
Oh yeah and the "esc menu" don't show any text. There's 3 button but no text (on linux). Also, 2 of the 3 upper-left buttons don't seem to work, as only the brain button toggles something.
I tested it with wine and it seem to work very well until you toggle the screen to another application, after which it stops updating the window.