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A member registered Mar 01, 2022

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I got this error: 

 Assertion failed: CanFormatBeDisplayed(this, CandidateFormat) [File:D:\build++UES(Sync)Engine\Source\Runtime(Windows)D3D11RHI Private D3D11Device.cpp] [Line: 754]

Not from my experience, it ends up just showing the colors black and yellow and nothing else

Every single build that I have played has had this issue, where the only colors shown are Black, Yellow, and maybe sometimes red. I have no idea how to fix the issue, and it's been preventing me from playing for a long time.

images of the issue:

I enjoy! :

I hope this comes across as a complement; This game really reminds me  of the memories in Code Vein, especially with the music! actually made me tear up a little on the inside. 

It was a very Experience :)

That was an Enjoyable little game  :)

I really liked the character!

It's an enjoyable lil action platformer :)

and maybe unintentionally one of the funnest running simulators.

I enjoy! :)

This is definitely one of THE Ronin games I have ever played.
It was enjoyable :)

I Enjoy! :)

None of the games I downloaded today made me launch as immeditaely as this one did

I Enjoy! it's a fun lil platform bonk blaster game :)

I Enjoy :)

I Enjoy :)

Mac port please ?