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A member registered Aug 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I'm on MacOS Monterey and I get this error when I try to launch the demo file:

Your reviews gave me some cool stuff to check out ^-^

Thanks for the response! I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something. BTW, I am very excited about the game jam and have a mini bestiary in the works :)

Liminal Horror community · Created a new topic Int stat?

First of all I’ve got to say I love this! As someone who has been stuck running Call of Cthulhu for a while, who has been searching for something rules light and without all the ableist and Lovecraft baggage, this really ticks all the right boxes for me.

I just have one question, as a prospective Facilitator: where’s the INT stat? I love how you combined the stats down to three but as far as I can tell none of these would cover intellectual based activities. Hacking and computer related checks, for example. Any guidance?

I would love to make something for this!

Not going to lie as an enby this game made me cry---in a good way. It's amazing how attached I felt to all of the characters by the end! I fell in love with the troublemakers Trixx and Clams right away (Trixx's story of burning down the prize stand was particularly hilarious), but the scenes between Lydia and Borald were like genuinely heartwarming. Well done all of you, this was well worth the time it took to play it, and my day is now better for it~

Thank you for hosting!! I believe the only other achievement is for adding a choose-your-own-pronouns section. How do I display this on my page?

Such a great submission! The overall presentation was just so spot on and cohesive, from the art, to the aspect ratio, to the loading screens and the music so well done there! I liked the combat mechanic of commit, that was very interesting. And using the idea of RPG classes as an analogue to the trans experience was really smart. I had a lot of fun in your lil game ^-^

Thank you. I’m a huge perfectionist so it was hard to let go of that and just make something.

This has been a wild journey for me. I have learned so much in the past few months about making video games and VNs, designing characters and working with other people. I had a blast working with my friends as other trans creators and I’m really proud of the work we put in. I’m so happy that we could come together as a community and just put some more positivity and representation into the world. Love you all!! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️