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platinum pacific

A member registered Mar 20, 2018

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Nice environment designs! The art direction for this game alone is impressive but you went the extra mile and made the game great too! I had a blast exploring the house and encountering different rooms and monsters. I felt so dumb cuz there were all see amazing intimidating monsters and I got stuck on the pair of pants hopping out of bin...great game! Very fun!

Okay, so that was really fun and weirdly relaxing.  And, unironically, I think Fortnite Johnson was the most well-written character! Don't get me wrong, I didn't think the rest of the characters were poorly written, but I loved the humanity you gave to her. Overall, the game play was simple but rewarding and the story was engaging throughout. I was constantly anticipating what fun ghost I was going to meet next. One last thing, I loved that it was an all female cast. Love to see it.

John, you need to play this one. Even if it doesn't make it into a video (which it should), I feel like you'd like it a lot.

Wow! I love short text adventures like this! It was atmospheric and brooding, but quirky and smart. I love Theresa's character and the lines she says. The game, overall, was well-written and engaging. I think I enjoyed the tone of the game the most. Very The House Abandon, which I loved. Honestly, I hope you do more stuff. I'd love to play more things you make. Congrats on a stand out game in a genre rife with absolute drivel!