OK 1.2.1 is now up, one tiny tiny typo fixed.
But I've sorted out having larger files on itch.io so a direct download.
If you have already paid for and downloaded 1.2.0 there is probably no reason to get 1.2.1 :)
Next installment is close and, assuming you choose to stay with her in the prologue, has lots of Christine. More details on progress here https://itch.io/blog/718303/april-progress-update
She is 6 mnt preg, game/VN is planned for about 5-8weeks of in game time, so there won't be kids. There is a plot progressing as part of this VN, along side the MC's relationship activities, when the plot concludes it is game over and I'll move on to a new VN. Of the 9 ladies on the banner 3 are love interest material, 4 are friends with benefits (This is where the pregnant lady is slotted) and 2 are just sex.
Any of the Love Interest level ladies can be parked at friends with benefits or just friends.
Neither of the sex only will require you to engage, if you really want it will be possible to do the novel without any sex scene... a waste but that gives you the power to choose who you engage with and who you don't.
Thanks for that djkunn. I had to google what a tag was in the context of a AVN so I you're right I did miss the point (So thanks for giving the expansion of lis and an explanation of netorare so I didn't have to try to work those ones out).
There won't be any netorare for any of the core love interests.
Two of what I'd define as the edge characters, who are more of a sex possibility for the MC rather than a love interests, would have hints as one is married and the other is to put it nicely "constantly on the hunt".
As to fetishes, my edge cases for this story are probably anal, feet and pregnant. My I really don't know yet is BDSM, if any is included it would be on the tamer side of the spectrum, as I flesh the story and the characters out it may be that one of them ends up leaning in that direction.
Hi Chimba,
The three paths in the Prologue are based on your choice of where you go and stay on the night of the incident, that is the main event of the prologue. None of the choices in the prologue are going to lock you in to anything, but the path/choice you take forward into the first chapter will have some influence towards accelerating your progress in that relationship and on what the person in that path will be wearing on day one.
My recommendation is to play all 3 of the major paths, (4th minor path is in there more because I wanted to experiment with doing same scenes with different outfits to see how hard it would be and if I wanted to commit to doing this in other parts of the story) and take the one with your fav lady forward into C1. Especially as in each path you do unlock gallery scenes, and also in one path you unlock an old acquaintance who's next unlock could be missed (you don't have to choose her for your carry forward, just complete that path and she stays meet), so doing all three main paths in the prologue is a good idea.
I'm still feeling my way with what tags there will be, but you won't be forced to participate any specific type of kink or into anything deeper than friendship in any of the relationships. There will always be some sort of "yes/maybe later/not ever" gate on both the kink and the people with which you choose to have sex. All of the sex the MC is involved in is going to be consensual and with others who are obviously (both written and visually) adults. Only thing a little fringe, based on my playing of others VN's, is one of the ladies you will meet in chapter one is a single mother-to-be already fairly pregnant and with whom encounters are possible.
It's an Adult VN with a story so some bad stuff will happen to some of the people, but as per kinks anything graphic will be able to be skipped and I've no plans to twist this into a horror.
Thanks for your interest, hope the above covers off your questions.