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A member registered Jan 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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Just in time for the update!

new thumbnail, sweet!

Splendid! Looking forward to new content

Game looks nice :)

Man, a lot of pressure for the next release! How are you? Is it okay to disclose what postponed the update?

Wonferful game! Playing on Android is extremely difficult since the sensibility is really high (please make it so we can change this) and touch controls make shooting hard, but overall nice

Quick question, what's the team behind this game? Do you sketch and program and a 2nd person makes the 3D animations?

A shame this doesnt work on web browser/android, it looks wonderful

Android doesnt work, after falling in the pit the only thing I see is a blue screen (like the second image, but instead of the pit its only white/blue)

Got it, thanks

(Android webgl) I hope the rest of the game has touch support, because Im stuck in the menu, una ble to click the Start

Great game! We will watch your career with great interest.

Thanks for answering, yeah can't access any key-related thing (tip, menu, etc), I'll just wait for the update then :)

Dont really get how it works (android phone), no matter how many puzzles I do/perfect, no scene happens, the lady repeats the same line and the door stays closed all the time. How do I trigger the scenes?

Wonderful and polished game! Excited for the next update