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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Love the art style, although I wish the mini games kept the same style. They felt a little out of place to me. I did like how the background changed depending on the weather though.



I made it so it added 1 point per second you were finished before the 60 second mark. I was going to change the point scale to make more sense (finishing in 30 seconds would give you double the points), but I didn't think anyone would get this far!

I hereby award you 6,200 points

(1 edit)

Tricky to get the hang of the controls but once you do it's a lot of fun to run around. The map size is great, lots to explore, but not too big

Thank you for the feedback on the AI image. I'm new to all of this so it wasn't something I was aware of or thought of. I removed it from my game and I won't be using it on future projects. Thanks for playing!

Nice game, I have a couple of suggestions:

  • The physics feel a little weird, the big shoots up super fast, then hits an imaginary ceiling, hangs in the air for a long time, then falls down really fast again. It might need some tweaking
  • There's no feedback for the player when you're ready to shoot again. I found myself waiting for the bird to come back into the slingshot, before I realized I have to click to put him there
  • I like the artistic style of the birds, pigs, and background, but the platforms don't really match and look a little bland
  • There were quite a few times I hit a pig dead on, and it didn't disappear. Maybe this is a bug, or maybe you intended them only to die when you hit them a certain way? Either way I was confused a bunch of times why they weren't dying

Overall a good game, especially for being made in only one day

Maybe the trick is to mow your lawn in a full sprint and finish in 60 seconds!