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A member registered 99 days ago

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For some reason on my screen it has the minecraft-likevtext but even in worse 8-bit form

Oh my god that irritates me so much why does the font make f an I comboined look like an A

Oh that's fine. I'll try seeing if I can fix it smehow

I tried downloading on my phone and for some reason it just shows me the a small pic then the game just blacks out

For some reason when I try booting up the game it's just a black screen

I tried loading save 1 (I had zero progress at all. It was an empty save) and it crashed my game. This is probably normal

Also how do you seggs

Oh ok

How do I get the full game


After the soul sicknesspart if I go with attics I just cut to white with her asking if I enjoyed the game or not

Is this a bug?