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A member registered Nov 02, 2016

Recent community posts

If you have a good idea of how the events work, I would love to partner(?) with you. You said you could host a hamachi server (which is never good), I could let you put events into my server once it is up. I may (if I can) start hosting and let you take control for a while (since I am busy with life)

Very quick to reply on your self! Anyway, to answer it shortly, yes. I plan to have the server open before Christmas Time. I am currently busy with making some music for the game, attempting to solve the pixel art problem, and a very busy life outside of the community. Once everything has calmed down for me I hope to be able to host the server!

Thanks for the reply. I completely agree about the split server community. Maybe you or I could host a forum as a central place for server stuff. (Spektor is probably busy with all of the work on the game.) I would also love server hosting help, I kinda just hopped into this game and decided I wanted to host before I knew that much about the game as a whole (I still don't know everything). I would love some help hosting.

p.s. To answer your question about responding to false information without coming off to be rude just let someone know that, "Hey, by the way your server is not the only server, here is another (link) thanks!" I had no clue about the mega thread until your first reply.

(1 edit)

1. Where is your server? I would love to see it, I haven't seen any others.

2. No need to be rude :p And it is hard to not be the best when you are the only one (I didn't see any others at the time.)

3. Thanks for posting your server, I am very busy with other stuff right now and can't host.

Tachyons community · Created a new topic Steam Release

I saw a previous thread talking about having the Game Greenlit on steam. Is this still an idea? Have you contacted SubNet Games (FTL's maker) or are you going to try to be something different. I still would love to see a Steam release, (you could even make it free to play with DLC for Aesthetics, normal DLC sucks) that would let us have either a true MMO style game (or several big servers), or even steam support for hosting games.

I think I would love to join your game development, if you need anyone to compose music (I just realized that I made was actually pretty horrible), I am here! I can also feed you ideas and other stuff since I know a lot of things that need to happen to make this game great. I can't actually code anything, I don't know photoshop yet, but I can still do pixel art and I am taking lessons after this Christmas (Maybe I could make some HD graphics or art for the game). I also plan to learn Java Script at some point soon, (if I can make the time for it).

If the game ever gets a start up sequence, I made some music for it. Enjoy!

Tachyons community · Created a new topic MMO SERVER
(5 edits)

Offline until further notice

I decided I wanted to take some time to learn more about the game before hosting to make sure I can be the best Host. I am also very busy with creating a sound track for the game (which will kick ass) Sorry that it isn't up yet! I promise we will be an amazing server once we are stable.

Hey everyone! I found this game only recently, but noticed a Lack of servers. I Decided then that I needed to fill this void myself by making a new server. Enjoy!

Server Always uses the latest version

Server Times

As I take my hands to the keyboard, I hate the idea of a server only being online at times as much as you do, Believe me. I would love for it to be 24/7 but as of now I have no means to. That being said, the server will be online from 7:15 AM-2:00 AM (EST) Which I know sounds okay, but it might not be. That is currently Ideal times, but I cannot guarantee that the server is even online by 6:00 PM, or off at 2 AM. However I may have that fixed by next Monday (11/7/16) since a family member has an old PC that is not being used, and the servers are fairly light on a PC (That PC has nothing special, made in 200X.


1. Do not be a dick or spam in chat

2. Don't ask for permissions, they don't exist...

3. Keep a Semi-RP in the chat (use **[text]** around your chat for OOC)

4. Tell me (Pokeguy56) if anything is wrong or needs help! I'll be sure to get on top of any problems!

IP: Port: 30303

Please Comment If you Join! I love to see people joining, and it helps me Fix your issues. Send a user name!