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A member registered Jun 08, 2022

Recent community posts

Do we need to play part 1 for this ? Is this a sequel or a whole new game ?

No, it's not that hard, if others are capable to do more content a month then this team does a year. Fun fact, at the beginning this game was like that too, monthly updates with more content then we get in a year now.

Not dead but it gets updated yearly, past few years I always just check on june lol

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I had no problem just updating it, save files remained, but you can also use the Android version of Total Commander to move files easily, no need for a PC.

I mean sure but I still don't understand why you started building a new game from the ground

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So, you just threw away all you worked up till now and start anew ? Dunno, the story is definitely more interesting, but I miss the old combat system and all the h-scenes

I'm having it too

Its much easier than it sounds

no, not a lot sadly

There are animations too, but yeah, pictures too

I have the previous version on Android for sure, not sure why the new version isn't

Well she is a robot, but your stupid brain couldn't process the next line information and instead you just shit on the game

best anime for sure


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V0.8 already out on patreon and v0.9 should come soon too. I guess 0.8 for free when 0.9 will arrive for patreon supporters

Didn't see this coming either

It is out but no new update since february

There are some bugs too, try reloading a previous save

I see, hope you will do it soon. Cheers

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Checking back here yearly and still sad for not being on android, at least with joyplay, thats the only way a lot of us could play it. Saw similar browser game with being able to play on phone, so maybe thats a possibility too?

Something must be done with the android port cuz i couldn't copy files in the desired folder nor on phone nor on PC and I see others have this problem too.

This was the case last time too, expect the update somewhere around summer.

Bro I'm glad you could go that far, for me the game is stuck at v0.25, even totally reinstalling the game I can't get v0.26 content.

Probably just too ashamed to show up, cuz update is delayed again by half a year. Or more

Cuz thats not how it works, your payment is for a month, if the update is not released in that month you won't get the benefits.

Hopefully in summer.

If I subscribe to tier 3 content do I get the previous tier 3 VIP scenes too or only v0.3.5 ?

Not quite, just it takes a year for 1 medicore update

Yes, you basically need a replay for that cuz the choice is early in the game.

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Dunno how I got Ochako but Froppy has 2 route, a bad and a good. I think you went with the good route, the romance. The bad route, which contains more scene, is the blackmail route.

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It didn't say in february, it says around , so it can be january/february/march. But their latest update came half a year later so wouldn't be surprised if it comes in summer lol

Edit: As I see in patreon, the 5$ patrons got an update yesterday.

oh, I forgot I can go back to more than 1 area

That tower tho is really hard, trying for half a hour now

read it twice and these answers weren't there

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Hi there, I have stucked on some quests and events and can't progress further. 

Firstly I can't find blue flower crystal, I know that it supposed to be on the challange floor of spire of courage but it simply not showing, I have no trouble seeing and gathering red and purple tho.

Secondly when I do the quest with Adrianna about the dwarf fortress it says I need Reglium. Where to find that?

3rd, how to get Irinlia bad path bonus scene?

4th, I captured Flaire but her sex scene doesn't want to start. She keeps saying "I pay for my betrayal".

5th, in the Brexeet islands there is a tower with red, blue and yellow traps. I have no problem passing the red and blue but yellow is impossible. Do I need a potion or a skill activated to pass through? 

Lastly, dunno if this is because I couldn't progress with these quests/events but I can't get get Dea and Mia threesome scene either nor can I marry her.

It is an amazing game btw, have 90h in it already. Once I finished building my PC I will definitely support you :) Attached 2 image too, hope it's showing

Oh, yeah, this is what I was missing, thought I did it but apparently not. Thanks for the help.

Yes I did, is there any other character who's quest I should do? Or maybe a side quest? I think Chiyo quests I still didn't finish and just got a slave rebellion quest too.

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic Sariandi

Hello there, I recently found this game and I'm really impressed with it, one of the best ones for sure. I already played for 50+ hour but there is just 1 thing I can't seem to get. So the guide say that to start the Orchel trading quest I need to do the quest with Sariandi to go to their old village but I don't seem to get it no matter how many times I speak with her. And another problem is Seldanna sex scene, I already repaired Mirels old bow but I didn't get her sex scene, maybe thats why I can't progress with the other one?

lol, funny that you think I even have the money to support anyone 

The only retard here is you who must be an underaged dumbass if can't proceed this much information

The only retarded one here is you, never said I am currently supporting him nor that you should but how stupid you're you didn't even paid full attention on what I was saying. All I said was that the haters should be more patient not to spend more money. 

lol this comment alone shows your mental level, won't even bother explaining