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(1 edit)

v0.0.8b (Window 64)

-I only encountered two bugs.

1>after the scene with the slug in his trap, my character constantly walked like he was walking on slime.

2>I killed the goatman and at the same time he grabbed me and my character disappeared and I had to restart the game, and it happened twice.

<I hope there are few errors in the text as I am not a native English speaker.>

(14 edits)

- a few ideas.

1> I saw that there were plans for an adult store, but what if the character could use items from the store in scenes or during masturbation.
2>if you are caught and there is another NPC nearby, then he will also participate in the H-scene, this will create a new scene, which will significantly diversify the created H-scenes + if you are already being held by two NPCs, then it will be more difficult to escape.
3> Instant movement through doors makes the game very easy, it would be better if you had to hold the button for 2-3 seconds to move to another room.
4> It would also be logical that when the light was turned on, the goatman wake up.
5>after scenes or goatman masturbation, traces of semen remained on the character’s body and clothes, which disappeared after some time.

- in general these are all suggestions, the game is very good, and I hope that it will develop <3.

<I hope there are few errors in the text as I am not a native English speaker.>