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A member registered Oct 19, 2016

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Hey there! Just found the game and oh my god it's amazing! I loved it so far, especially Dallas (though I found his route lacking... something. I don't know what, but when it ended it just left me with a feeling of "wait, that's it? there's no more?") and Wizz- especially Wizz. I love that his and Robin's dynamic doesn't really change even after dating, and I just, ugh, idk, maybe I'm just a sucker for angry/angsty kiss scenes?

I have a question though, are there any plans for a gxg route, eventually? I'd be super interested into one, and it could also add a bit more of diversity to a game that's already pretty different from other dating sims and whatnot I've found.

Anyways, I'm super eager to see how the game looks fully finished, thanks for bringing this game to the world! <3