10/10 legit works
and it didn't crash?
multiplayer fixed
send a video?
it broke and I don't plan on fixing it
I was wondering if this game updated automatically, or if I had to re install it for every update
I think your PC is too powerful for the game
it's a modification of Griffith's getting over it, then modified by O don't remember to add multiplayer that I broke and I then compiled it and uploaded to itch.io
no, sorry
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I got a new computer and it works now
this is a moderately ok game
from noob to pro to epic to THICC!
how do I make things solid?
I think I've seen this on YouTube like a while ago
why not mod the gameboy?
I am getting lots of lighting glitches and things like the music notes appearing stretched out and far away from the thing making them. 10/10 gameplay
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looks like a game that dani made
wasent this a paid application at one point?
was this made in game maker studio?
I think it was because of the icon, please correct me if I am wrong.