Thank you! <3
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Unfortunately I don't have a specific date, but it's sometime next year.
The last 6 months have been pretty difficult due to unexpected family loss and other personal issues and -as a result- the development of the game heavily suffered from it.
I'm slowly getting back on track, but it's gonna take some time...
Hi and thank you for the kind words!
I'm sorry you found puzzles to be tedious and too difficult... I did my best to make them reasonably interesting and provide subtle but meaningful clues to always make them solvable, but I suppose it wasn't enough.
If you have a VOD of your playthrough, please make sure to post it here: it's the best way for me to understand how people experience the game.
Also, there's no devs, it's just me and two extremely judgemental cats.
You're very kind, but I don't think my game is revolutionary in any way nor will ever reach mainstream success. I'm well aware I'm making a niche game for an even nicher audience and I'm at peace with that. I only hope that anybody who plays it will enjoy it for what it is, rather than bashing it for what it's not.
Hi, thank you for the kind words and feedback! The game was supposed to be released by the end of the year, unfortunately I'm not there both in terms of completion and wishlists. I only get to release once and -as a solo dev- I don't really have access to a strong marketing machine to promote it... It doesn't help that this year has been ridiculous in terms of really interesting games being released and my game is simply too small and invisible to even attempt to compete against any of them.
Anyway, I'll look into tweaking crouch speed, it is indeed a little too slow.
Thank you! I really appreciated how you took care of analyzing lore and events in the demo: the story is meant to be the biggest puzzle in the game and solving it fully will definitely require interpretation and reading between the lines.
Having said that, for obvious reasons I cant't spoil how the story will unfold, but I assure you it won't be about demonizing (or glorifying for that matter) mental illnesses.
Infact, mental illness is not even the main theme of the story.
(two additional notes: the portrait is not AI generated and Vincent gets indeed hooked on the pipe)
This is actually the first time someone reported issues with the brightness setting, I will need a little more info to understand what could be the problem, for example: what gfx card are you using? Do you have HDR enabled? (either real HDR or the fake windows 11 one) Do you use any external software that modify the screen? (eg: f.lux or similar)
The more you can tell me, the more it will help me.
Hi Yacchu, thank you for the kind words! Did you try playing the demo in Japanese? I'm very curious to know how accurate the translation is from a native speaker. On a side note, I see the brightness towards the end of the demo got super weird, what happened there? Did you crank it up somehow manually or using the option screen slider?