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A member registered Apr 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for your effort!

I hope someone will make "Pulse Rifle Mod" for Alien: Isolation so I can quit bothering making Aliens games and just go and play that mod :)

It will be when and if I change my job (I work every day as a salesman, sometimes 12 hours per day) or when someone else make Aliens: Obliteration redo in Unreal/Unity engine :)

If you eventually find here the last two levels, that means I took a vacation!

Thanks for trying my game!

If you haven't played yet, you can legaly download for free Aliens versus Predator 2 from avpunknown (it's abandonware now) - for me still the best Aliens/AVP game.

Also, there is Aliens versus Predator Classic Redux - very exciting and inspiring (moded) game for Aliens fans!

(4 edits)

Thanks a lot for reviewing my game! I hope I'll find the time to finish (and polish a bit) this game.

Until then, a little hint:

There are no keys anywhere in the game, but many objects are breakable :)

And remember: short control bursts!

P.S.: On some levels, you can pick both pulse rifle and grenade launcher (more like moded shotgun) but as the separate weapons. You have to change weapons either with mouse wheel or the 1/2/3... button

Good luck with Your channel!