Great update arte i hope you continue to prioritse this over price of desires as I've played both and defining like this one far more both gameplay wise and h wise
I didn't see any new content fir ada and ash this time but i got all the other quests finished but the instructors quest where she wants sasha for a three some is not working it says her tent at sunset but I can't even click on it
Love to see this masterpiece finally updated but the english translation is mostly unfinished all the new dialogue shows up as spanish for me and i can't do almost anything without it saying an exception has occured please find a wau to fox this i was so looking forward to playing this but i can't
Is there any benefit to doing the minihame do i get anything for doing it a certain amount of times? Also it says the instructor is talking to sasha by the tents at sunset and i should check on them but they aren't there only the girls by the fire
Whenever i try to do lewd interaction with sakura it says let her rest and for raven dates i get stuck in the date and the points count infinitely past ten also where is nico robin