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A member registered Sep 30, 2019

Recent community posts

Its as good as it was promised, very nice job, Sam is always a win and I am looking forward for Jared Cole's holo scene, also dammmm is that Lancelot hunggg I want him to fuck my MC too.

The crossovers made sense and were avoidable if you didn't want to interact with them, they were also very much user friendly.

I can't wait for the next update. Sending you hugs, you are always making an effor and it shows!!

Hey I understand, and I apriciatite immensely your work and dedication, and that you are making it free for people. And with quality!

As I said before can't wait for what's next and to see more of my favourite guys Jared Cole, Chad, Sam and the Volchak captain.

I'm sending you a big hug

I am here to give you my feedback as always, I hope you like it.

FIrst and foremost I like the new system and ideas you have, it feels fresh and a step up from the previous chapter, which I enjoyed greatly.

seems very balanced and good to play, like the story is really kicking in.

My only problem was that my MC is a gay bottom/sub, and the deamon made me top, therefore giving me the Toppers trait.  I feel bad by saying this because you're work so hard on th game.

But outside of that it's a 10 out of 10 for me, can't wait for more Cole, Sam , Chad and the officer content in the future. And the crossovers eventually.

As ways a pleasure, sending you a big hug 

Great news! So the plot will continue and there will be some new cameos? That sounds like a win win situation.

I also liked that you said that it might be a little more streamlined, if I recall correctly. Everything that you are saying makes me so happy. I can wait for that Jared update later. 

Thanks RanliLabz

I really should thank you, I hope that you're doing well. If you could give me a teaser or a little clue on what's next, I would be grateful. also hoping Cole will be back. again lots's of love and kudos to you.

(2 edits)

This is very, very outstanding, I think you put all the stops and gave everyone what they wanted. Whether it's female or male romances, I go for the male, but I have to say that you gave everyone options, I think it's six or five in total. Male are Jared, Sam, Chad and to some extent Aywen and for the Female options you have Cici, Anna and Fatima, so great.

And the good thing about it is that you are kind and listen to your players and take constructive criticism and polish your product to the best of your capabilities for us I'ts so good. Can't wait to see what's next and to see my Cole again.

I love this game, I am so turned on by the uncle Nhepew perspective.

I hope they take it to the next level.

i am craving more uncle content

Yes, I am looking forward to it. I also want her comments in the romantic area, an know after all they were roomies and are like good friends.

(1 edit)

This is going to be a long one too. lol

So I have tried Cole, Fatima, Sam and Anna

Cole Sam and Fatima great, Anna is okay.

Cole was definitely the best in my opinion, on playability. Also in the the Dom route he really is a dom, like rough and all that and I like it. It's how a dom route should be. Rough and vendictive. the romantic one is sweet, the Sub route was fair.

I would like to see more of them.

I really don't care much about Cici, but at least a good conversation, she is a character that I don't want to spend a lot of time with. But I would love to hear her comments on the romance options and the reactions she has to the primary love interest.

Sam was good too, he is your best friend and their bro romance, pun intended. was kinda sweet.

Fatima absolutely good. but Anna was just okay for me

Also, the implementation of Dom and Sub is great.

Would like to see more of their relationships and yes him getting it on with their love interests.

Love the game.

4 routes, wow. you are awesome. you know me so well.

I could kiss you right now.

Cole is next?

Love it, Wish it was with amrok , Usher or Conrad (my fave).

Keep up the good work

looks good

Thank you so much!!

Thanks, If I have abother problem an I talk to you? do you have a discord?

thank you!!!  How can I delete all my saves? or some of them without enetering the game?

He also needs a huge dick!!!

We want that but we also crave some tenderness from him, its like we want 50% treat us like shit and 50% of "please love me!"

The first thing I want to say is that there is a problem with freexing after getting out of hell the first time...and also I would like to find my saves and delete some.

As for the feedback and Ideas:

I know it was quick but it is efective: so.... 

I like the idea of primary romance and that is so cool; I also love the idea of the story unfolding more and more, the plot seems intreresting (altough the zombi uprising its not my coup of tea. but maybe its something short, I don't know I will trust you with this. It's your game after all). I Love to see the Cole romance, but I want him to TOP my MC, and my MC be the bottom. But I think you are allready preparing for that eventualty. I want it to be a great romance (and I would also love a deviant path were he rapes my MC) also can he get a penis implant to have a larger dick...anyway I just want to thank you for everything you are doing. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

So this is happening?! I will tell you what happens hafter I have finished the new stuff. I am excited

The update is so clean and looks way more ploished tan before. and it has a nice flow to it. No long scenes that need to be waited trough better sex animations and all. Can't wait for the future continuations of this. and also I would like to see more of those hot men. and cant wait for my cadet's cherry to be popped eventualy, if it is that sexy alien general much better. In love with the game.

(1 edit)

So this are the characters that I would like to be topped by:

1-Counstable Ayewn Veil'crox

2-Cole (only if he has a massive cock, aloso I would let him rape me, like his penis forced into my little hole, even if the character is a virgin, I would even marry him if he order it. It would be such a great table turner and cash on the humilation kink)

3-Chad Chasworthy (So cute, he is a secret top)

4-Lancelot (I mean have you seen that dick)

5- Consuelor Fox (I don't know how you did it, but I want him to fuck my cadet. I mean he is a perfect thing also very hairy I like it.)


7- Sam

8-M.A.X (I would rather he bottomed. he has no genitals after all)

wow, that is an interesting idea! the more stuff the better!

always with an interesting plot involed, thank god that you have good ideas

Yes!!! I am also goign to let him be the bottom boy that I plan for him too be if you let me ofcourse!! hahaha I am so invested!! also the female ones look good, I mena they doo, the dudes are hot tho...the bully is the hottest cant wait for him to have a hughe cock and know avuse my character a little, also that volchack so hot cant wait for them to top him.  the asian friend and the blond guy are good too

I love it seriusly. I am really exited to see the characters with more depth and go down there paths.

I am so ready for all the story sex that is ahead.

He is so hot!

Let me say I was very pleased with the M/M route you did, it was delightful, Love it so much, I am also very glad of the prospect of the future. I feel like we are moving to more and the story is very good.

I am a slut for story driven games, and this is heading in that direction and it's made even better because porn is involved.

I love the Volchack sex scene was a thing I waited and when it came it was perfect; I love that I might do it again with him or other members.

I am also loving the prospect of spending more time with the friends and have like adventures with them.

Sompeople complaiend about the straight sex, let me tell you don't pay them any mind, if you want gay sex just wait and skip some scenes, I mean no one is forcing anyone in any path, you created a game where everyone get's what they want so pay them no mind.

I can't wait for more! 

(I am also craving for more frot sex and to the main characters cherry get's popped)

OHHh now I can't wait!!!

You know that I love you for it, don't cha?!

that makes me so happy

I really wanted more M/M

That then sex?

I have some questions if you don't mind.

Will the people that you service in the brothel would be avilable to have sex again in another chapter?

Could one of the clients be the father? The jailer?

Can brenett have a romance with Conrad because I love him?

The one when they are on their side is more realistic. maybe more on the side

Yes thats so good! 

Maybe he can ride him, like Acteon is on his back and Benett rides him. or maybe an extra close missionary.

Anyway I love it!

Also I love the idea

You could add  the Jailer as an optional partner there, I saw a lot of people request him, so that could be a good way to add him back without having to put him in the story.

Also Usher maybe whom many found atractive and that old man that gave advices to garret who was also a werewolf.

I cant eait for my male character to be fucked by men, and just take it like a champ, I mean he did fuck the male syntatic.

 It was good, but you know it was somewhat a waste of his humongus cock, maybe next time I will try it.

how do I sleep with Dr. Huang Zedong, Dr. Eddie Hawkins or George?

I still cant find it sorry!

thank you

haha good answer.

wich was the chapter after the poker game?