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A member registered Apr 19, 2020

Recent community posts

am i sepost to trow away my swort (intro )

what does the "soul break bad end " mean ?

i cant find it

could i get a link to discord ?

i havent been aprotchet by the tailer is it a bug or am i mising somting ?

how do i get party members ?

ok thanks

how do i make nel train in a new zone

how do i unlock energy potion resepy ?

never mind

and how do i become frends whit nell ?

is ther a way to cheat / make it less grindy ?

im stuck in the prison part i cant get past the second set of guards ?

where are the saves ?

i can find user\appdata
but can only find local and no roaming or AscendFromNineMountains

im on pc windows 10 i beleve

i cant find AppData\Roaming\AscendFromNineMountains\saveBackups,

(1 edit)

where are the saves located ?

how do we start the drone suit project ?

thank you

i have an eror can sombody help

see pick below

i have an eror can sombody help

can we use the uper left room ?

i have the downlode version wher can i find the save files ?windows

so just restart ?

yes but i can still play and progress 

i think i broke the game
i have some qwest dubble
and i cant see the memory of bea (i also cant find her anymore
what do i need to do (send screenchots /saves ?)

is ther a discord ?

losing the ficht ending

and i can compleat the cafe pusel (i found 2 (i still need sise )but i tried all combinations and it dousnt work

the 2 ending for magigirl is buged 

i the game craches after the cutsean ?

i found 18 ending am i still mising some
still mising the tru ending ?
i cant compleate the cafe pusel (found 2 hints but still cant comlpeat it ?

wher can i find mods for this game ?

the downlood for windows is broken (i dont get all the files 

i just did and it remaind
i got 1,0 from paitrion (free)
and whould you mind sending me a link to discord (easier to send saves )
thanks in advans

hi my game is buged
wanever i try to do combat nothing hapens
but i get locket in combat any help ?


when i load my last savegame i cant progress 

(she tels me she doesnt know what i chould do and i have to go sleep

i cant acses the new content (or am i an idiot who cant find it

i meant in game

when i load my last savegame i cant progress 

(she tels me she doesnt know what i chould do and i have to go sleep

i dont get the new (0,10) levels
any help ?