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Beutekunst innovates on classic rpg mechanics with scrappy, revolutionary panache. From character creation to crew infighting, game rules are robust, with a hint of mid-aughts sensibilities, and deliver exciting, straightforward narrative power. Immediately got the heart pounding.
And if that isn't enough to make Beutekunst an instant favorite, ruining some rich colonizer's day really seals the deal.
Tons of exciting game mechanics condensed into a post apocalyptic survival manual. In particular the Zone succeeds by foregrounding collective worldbuilding, mechanizing tools as well as skills, and balancing a captivating stress/desire survival mechanism with the haunting truth that the Zone consumes all. There is room to expand the game systems around anomalies, perhaps in future expansions, but the oracle system entrusts players with enough agency to flesh out their own bizarre journey.
Such a richly developed world, with well-implemented game systems to compliment, Navathem's End feels like a first hand account, like old stories, instead of an rpg rulebook. The immense labor underpinning this project is clear; Sin and Pam provide a well-loved game that is overflowing with potential.
Hey friends! Didn't quite manage my time right, but wanted to share the game some comrades and I were working on last month: I'll Be Taking That, in which you and your fellow goblins thwart oppressors, uplift one another, and most importantly get your grubby hands on shiny trinkets! Still in the works (and needs some heavy playtesting and editing) but I am excited about the inventory-as-skill action resolution system. Caltrop Core adapted to that idea great!