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A member registered Jan 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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it's fun to touch grass :D

(or murder grass)

shiba bread is the one and only true bread :3

thank you :D

thank you! :D

hm i'm unsure if i'll expand on this but i may consider it in the future huhu ~ thanks! :D

thank you :D

was a silly thing i made in 1 day without any plans (or much ideas hm) to practice godot physics huhu ~

but i guess it could be a silly 3D platformer thing if i wanted to try something hmmm

thanks for playing ~

aye i only learned of what coyote timer/buffers were like only a few weeks ago haha, but i may consider if i ever planned to update hm.

hm aye i was initially planning for axe aiming but i couldn't figure it out at the time, probably not reworking it but i'll consider for future games huhu ~

im alright with axe reload being extremely short here, (even if it can be spammy haha) since there aren't many methods of attacking here (and also with the sword goblin knight might be impossible to kill if reload's any longer)

thanks very much for the feedback! :D

Thousand miles per hour that electrocutes

thank you ~ <3


thank you :D

tanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it :D

oh no

hehe dog with gun go brrrrrrr

(i actually preferred using bat so)

dog with bat go whack whack

silly tanks ~

tanks for playing :D

tanks for playing! :D

what a great story with a happy ending :D

Tanks for playing! :D

oh heck, PC crashing. hmm i wonder if anyone else faced a crash while playing. Still, tanks for letting me know huhu ~

Tank you for playing the game! :D

aye spam works xD (most stages may suck without spamming hue. Only in some cases long shot is better, like on enemies that don't move)

it was so cool i couldn't resist adding it haha ~ (only regret is not making it playable)

deep sewer waters to land me into deep shi- uh, poo poo



Tank you! :D

(im personally not so used to it, but i'm glad most players are happy with it huhu ~)

Fun game, not sure why the card description disappears for me level 2 onwards hm. Controls felt great ~

also absolute banger music i love it. also nice touch when it amps up when the boss appears

Tanks for playing huhu ~

yea the final boss, once you know the patterns, its easy to dodge and spam bullets. I made sure health was high enough so the fight wouldnt finish too quickly, but not feel too long and repetitive.

Tower Offense was also one of my favourites, always wanted to play those reverse tower defenses haha ~ 

Thank you, i hope i can do better with future projects ~ all the best to you too! :D

The Warrior still feels pretty smart overall, i like it ~

aye that is fine, it's good to take your time to learn than to rush.

aye thank you, you too! :D

cute game ~

(about everything i do somehow kills mokou lmao)

aye the maps and camera was not designed with the new controls in mind since the old controls was the intent, i think new controls also made some stages difficult to move around like the 15 - donkey kong inspired one haha ~

but i'm glad the new control's working out at least huhu ~

(probably won't be making a sequel til at least a very long time, but i have some ideas. Like more playable characters, abilities players can use, more war crimes(flamethrower) >:DDDD, scrapped ideas like ninja tengu, laser yamawaro, improved allies for no friendly fire, probably procedural levels cuz this project took me forever and it gives more replayability.) dont count on a sequel though haha

Tanks for playing! :D

Update: New control system added in v2.0 and its default, try giving it a go ~

progress should remain, but i guess get used to it via tutorial first hm.

(1 edit)

Update: New control system added in v2.0 and its default, try giving it a go ~

progress should remain, but i guess get used to it via tutorial first hm.

(unfortunately it doesnt work as well as a joystick hm)

this is fun, had a run with 13 damage zombie lmao. (also always wanted to play the 'bad guys'/monsters sometimes instead of the heroes haha)

i do like how the hero fight smart sometimes, targeting support(fairy/bat) or buildup(mole) monsters or stunning at the right time. Unless its zombie at the back which he dont seem to prioritize.

great game, any plans to expand on this?

Tanks for playing! :D

aye, seems controls are the common feedback here, more people struggle with it than expected. Certainly won't be using this kinda controls again huhu. Personally, the W/S movements made sense to me, (it was originally from the Unity Tanks! game haha) and the A/D controls was originally the aim/turn controls, which i repurposed to a sidewalk (which yeah, i'd think this is the more confusing part even for players who get used to the W/S movement)

in the unlikely event where this ever gets a sequel, i'll probably make the controls to be more like Boom Beach Frontlines, which works exactly as you suggested, a separate movement control and an aim and shoot control. (sadly, that game was shut down)

Still, i very much appreciate the feedback, thank you! :D 

Thank you for playing! :D

aye, the left and right controls are based around the cursor which makes it awkward hm. I'll have to figure out better movement controls if i make something similar in the future.

appreciate the feedback! :D

i lied. i made it up

that is correct

much protein