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POtO Software

A member registered Jul 27, 2019 · View creator page →

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I get email notifications whenever I get a comment. Oh and by the way, you're totally free to download the godot project files to all my games and mess around with them. I tried to make the code at least kind of readable so maybe you can learn something! (although they only open in Godot 3.x, not Godot 4)

I used the Godot Engine and quite a bit of janky/hacky programming without a clear vision for what I really wanted to do

It's some weird bug with the gravity code. I tried taking shortcuts cause I was like "oh the player doesn't need to jump" then that floating bug popped up and I gave up on trying to fix it so it's an official ending

Oh wow, don't know how I or anyone else didn't catch that. Maybe it was intentional? I honestly do not remember, it's been so long.

Might just leave it in there cause 1: I'm lazy, and 2: it gives you another chance to go kill your ex (every man's dream... right?). Or I might update it to make it an easter egg where if you go back to rob it again, the clerk tells you that there's no more money.

Oh wow, don't know how I or anyone else didn't catch that. Maybe it was intentional? I honestly do not remember, it's been so long.

Might just leave it in there cause 1: I'm lazy, and 2: it gives you another chance to go kill your ex (every man's dream... right?). Or I might update it to make it an easter egg where if you go back to rob it again, the clerk tells you that there's no more money.

For that one you just have to do nothing during the opening cutscene. You'll go back to sleep and boom true ending

TL;DR (Sorry, I like explaining things in-depth): It's most likely just to do with your phone, if you could tell me what phone you have, that would be greatly appreciated.

That's likely to do with your phone, if you could tell me the kind of phone you have that would be greatly appreciated. I just ran a test on my budget test phone (Samsung Galaxy A01 for reference) and it took about 12 seconds on the first loading screen. 

The issue is that the GLES3 renderer used in the Android port runs fine on more powerful phones, such as my high(er) end test phone (Galaxy Note 8) and my personal phone (Pixel 7a), but on cheaper phones GLES3 takes much longer to compile shaders (the Vita port taught me that, because even the GLES2 renderer takes forever to "load").

Unfortunately, you can't switch the renderers on the fly with Godot games. There is a built in argument to force GLES2, but... there isn't an easy way to use that on Android (if not impossible).

Uh... if you could please send a screenshot of what you're talking about that would be appreciated

Yeah the web version is a little weird and janky. If I'm gonna be completely honest, I pretty much never tested it until right before I was about to release it.

Are you playing on the web or desktop version?

Hey, sorry for the almost week late reply. If you could send a screenshot showing off the messed up text that would be great

Thanks for the pretty detailed response. I'll definitely look into all of this and see if I can get it running on my hardware (which is a puny little 2012 Macbook Air...).

I know for certain that my initial issue was that the Mac executable wasn't signed in anyway giving me the "App is damaged and can't be opened" error. So at the veeeery least I'll get it signed. I hope running an outdated (Catalina) of macOS doesn't give me issues with running on newer versions.

To be honest I have the money for a 13" M2 Macbook Air... but I'm saving it for a car (real important in rural USA) AND it would leave me almost broke. But I definitely want to support Macs at... some point.

If you get a working build, do tell me and I’ll put it up here for download

I would if I could, but Apple made it real difficult to get a proper executable that doesn’t get totally rejected by modern versions of macOS. 

Or I’m just dumb.

When you get back to the house just turn around and walk out the door without grabbing your gun and she'll show up.

Alright the desktop versions got GLES 2, have fun.

Seems like your PC has an issue with OpenGL 3. Give me a bit, and if I remember I might upload a desktop version that uses OpenGL 2.

Definitely no way to fix that in game… could be something with your computer. Are you playing on web or on desktop?

I use the Godot game engine

Maybe… since you’ve made a video on my game and there’s more people wanting to play it, I might update it. But I’ve honestly lost most of my motivation to make games at the current moment

Man I freaking love Godot. It’s fun to work with and I’m able to put my ideas in pretty quickly. 

…Unfortunately my greater ambition for this game made it not so fun to develop (unlike the first game which was a blast to make)… But oh well

Get the game and walk out without paying

In order to make the Mac download actually work, I’d need a newer Mac that also has macOS on it

I get notifications for every comment I get, might as well reply to them

Don’t worry man, you’re not the only one

(1 edit)

I’m assuming you’re in the tutorial level, it takes a long while before you can even look around in there. You can skip the tutorial in the settings though

EDIT: Just remembered that you can also skip the tutorial in the pause menu

arrested: walk into into the cops across the street from the house

fallout: interact with the microwave 50 times

hit by car: walk onto the street

car crash: drive the car without drinking an energy drink

flat earth: walk off the edge of the map

I don't know what endings you got, so I'll just send you the whole list. If you're confused about any of the ending names, feel free to ask what it means.

true ending

heart attack

car crash

good ending

bad ending

sigma ending

hit by car

flat earth



Yeah, HTML5 is the web version

Well that's weird... I gave the 64 bit version to someone else before and it seemed to work fine. I'm not familiar with Debian though (I use Arch btw), so I can't help you out there. My suggestion would just be to run the HTML5 version of HTRAGS1 since that version runs mostly well. But the HTML5 version of HTRAGS 2 isn't amazing with a lot of stuttering...

Anyways, sorry for the long ramble, here's the 64bit version of HTRAGS 2.

Yeah I do, do you also need a 64 bit version of HTRAGS 2?

I'll make an Android version if I can get my hands on a cheap Android phone for testing (I am an Apple sheep). And yeah I remember you

Yeah it’s kind of a shame, but I was honestly expecting it. I feel like there might’ve been too long of a gap between games, and I had barely any online presence outside of itch and discord. Both of those things definitely hurt the popularity, but I’m not too upset. A long as the few people that have played this game enjoyed it, I’d consider that a success

Hey sorry for the late reply. But I literally don’t have any Android devices to test with (yeah I’m a stinky Apple user) nor do I have the money for one. But if I get my hands on an Android phone I’d certainly port it.

I don’t mind, go ahead, just have a link to my itch page on your site.

I talked to the developer of the Godot Vita port to find out why the load times were so long. Basically, Godot’s GLES2 renderer doesn’t have a shader cache, while GLES3 does. But we don’t have GLES3 on the Vita so it has to compile shaders at runtime every single time. Since Godot is open source someone could probably implement a shader cache (not me though since I barely know C and I certainly don’t know anything about GL shaders or game engines), but since it only affects the Vita I honestly doubt it.

tl;dr: it’s unfortunately something I can’t fix


Okay now I really need to make a video about beating level 4

Porting to PS Vita isn't possible with any official build of Godot, but Godot is open source so someone ported godot to the vita.

And it honestly wasn't too difficult creating HTRAGS, though that could be due to me being used to Godot. You could look at the source code to know how I did some of the more complicated stuff in HTRAGS (such as interaction, which was surprisingly easy)

I may be biased since Godot is all I know how to use in terms of game engines. But I'd say that making a game (at least a game like this) in Godot was pretty easy to do. About the only thing that may be weird from Unity to Godot is the node system and the fact that each node can only have one script. But other than that I'd recommend switching to Godot, especially with where Unity is going.

And if you decide to switch over, I'd be willing to help you get used to Godot