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Thank you! It didn't win the jam. Unfortunately, but for my first jam game ever and being only originally made in 7 hours, I'm proud of it.

The theme was free to interpret, so my game idea should actually be totally fine. 

Thank you, A post-jam update is out now :D

Thanks :)

Thank you. I appreciate it :D

Thanks :D

Thank you :)

The theme was supposed to be free to interpret, so I thought my game would be okay.

Thank you :D

You are right with the level and sound design. I agree, but the theme only two buttons was supposed to be flexible to interpret, so I thought, with my game idea, why not?

Yeah, I agree with the platforms and that you don't need the walljump upgrade. I didn't even realize it, but glad I fixed it now, so thank you :)

Thank you :D,It was supposed to fit in with the theme by having only access to two buttons at the beginning of the game and then getting more as you progress. The theme was flexible to interpret.

I agree, but I'm very new to making music, so making anything is a huge accomplishment. Thank you :)

Thank you, I appreciate it. Yes,  the game has been extended. A post-jam update is out now :D

Thank You :D

I love the art; it's so well made, especially the parallaxing background, which looks amazing. Great job overall :D

Thank you so much :). I use a relatively small canvas of 8x8 and 16x16 to do my graphics, so thats why it's pretty consistent and fast since I don't have much to work with.

Thank you,I really appreciate that :)

Thank you so much :D