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A member registered Feb 25, 2017 · View creator page →

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That was terrifying!!It made me feel so uncomfortable and it left me astonished by how great it looked. I made a 3 scary games and "ROT" is the second one >

Had so much fun and really liked the game! September 1999 has so much potential if it ever gets a full version. Made a 3 scary games video, and it's the first one :) 


Thank you for reaching out to me!Had a blast with your game!Here is the video that i made: 

All i have to say is that it was a great experience for me & I legitimately had a blast, but I’m afraid (literally now) I couldn’t finish it!
My video is going to be uploaded on my youtube channel as a premiere so that you can watch it “live” and also chat with me! I think I did the best I could with all the possible love & care that I could give! Tune in, in couple of hours and 
let me know what do you guys think.See you there 😊 

My Channel:

Had a ton of fun playing this short indie horror game! I don't know in which state Exiles currently is, but you need to make this happen!
Really loved your work and that spooky environment you've created! 
Here is my attempt of making something good with your game and my commentary combined XD 
> >

That actually made me feel so uncomfortable! If you combine those deep and eerie sound effects with some sweet jumpscares it'll be even more awesome!Thank you for making this XD
This is my reaction video, hope you enjoy > >

IMMURE community · Created a new topic Loved IT!!!!!
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I got in love with this game!Can't wait to see more or a full version of it!
Here is the video that i made  > >

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Can't wait to see more of this, man!You are my favourite indie dev out there :) 
Keep up the great work!

Gave it a try and i can easily say i really liked it! It has potential and can be transformed into an even more horrifying experience. Also i would suggest to fill the background music gap with e.g household sound effects or ambient music clips etc etc. Thanks for making this, hope to hear more from you soon!

Here is the video that i made with your game >

I'm so glad i made u laugh :p

I had a little bit of frustration with the bridge part but in general it was a good game! I think that the full game would be even more well optimized so i might give it a try!
Thanks for sharing! 

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Enjoyed every bit of it & would definitely like more of it!I made a video with my reactions!Hope you enjoy xD
Thanks for the opportunity LarrylDong!

Thank you so much for the wonderful - extra creepy - experience! Would love to see more of this & even more projects in the future!Keep up the good work xD

Work those legs like you never worked 'em before. Neat & funny - Loved it dev.
Here is my gameplay >

Well, the first time that i learned about the existence of Dan Sanderson as a game developer was with his little gem which goes by the name of "Pacific" -a game which i absolutely loved!

Since that experience i've been following this dev for any upcoming games & updates, and today with "The Tomatoes Are 
Ok" i'm pretty sure that you became one of my most beloved indie game developers and i'm willing to support you (with what i can provide) on your journey as a dev! 
I hope to become able one day through Youtube , not only to inspire and make people laugh but also support even more people like you. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to access your work! I've made a Let's Play (hope it can be useful) 

Neat and very well made game but to be honest i didn't understand what was the objective...Would love to see more projects from you though and if i clear this up on my mind i'm willing to get back to it :)
Thank you for sharing your work with us!
Here is my Let's Play >

Great little story that calmed me and relaxed me a bit!I'm really eager to see more projects from you in the future!Also, thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to play your game!Here is my Let's Play > 

This game was so much FUN!!!Thank you for making it :)
Also i dedicate my Let's Play to my little princess Pickle, my own adorable doggo <3

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Amazing & very well made indie game!!I'm really glad that i stumbled upon it :)
Here is my Let's Play:

The game was amazing!!I didn't know what to expect until i got overdosed from the unlimited cuteness of the small bulbhead protagonist! Really loved it and now i'm currently following you here, on GameJolt and on steam ;) Can't wait for more!
Here is my Let's Play: 

Hey man had a ton of fun while playing this game!Absolutely loved it & i have the feeling that i kinda mastered it xD Thanks for sharing your work with us! Hope to hear more from you and 'bout your feature projects soon!
Here is my Let's Play: 

Brilliant!!So relaxing and calming game in which you can actually find your inner peace! xD Thanks for sharing your work with us man!Loved it! 
Here is my Let's Play: 

I'm already on that!Thanks again for the opportunity man!

Loved the game! N E E D  M O R E like this...infused with pixelated horrors and jumpscares!Thanks for sharing your work with us xD 
Here is my Let's Play: 

Tha was so cool! xD

Short & funny! Want more!!
Here is my Let's Play (combined with another game also): 

Cute a$$ & awesomely made experience that you need to extend!Loved it!!
Here is my Let's Play (combined with one more small interactive game) xD 

First of all thanks for sharing your work with us! The game was cool i would definitely love to see the full development of this one xD This is my Let's Play :

I had a ton of fun while playing this game! Also the sounds are hilarious!! Thanks for sharing your work with us xD 
Here is my gameplay..

Really loved the art and how the game works! It should DEFINITELY get realeased!!
Also my Let's Play: 

One of the most awesome - short experiences i've ever had!I really liked the voice acting and the whole concept was mind intriguing!Followed you for upcoming projects or the final release of this one  xD
Here is my Let's Play: 

Had an awesome time playing it! I would love to hear from you in the near future about a new upcoming project or the full verion of this one! Thanks for sharing your work with us xD
Here is my gameplay: 


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I COULDN'T finish the game because i nearly had a heart attack from one of the jumpscares!THANK YOU!!
These are my reactions.. ( 5:00 ) 

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First of all thank you for sharing your work with us Taronia Gamenstein!
I had much fun playing your game and also i did a video which i've already upload on my channel. Fun fact: I really liked the attemp of putting different languages in there at the part where you wanted to mention that the in game character had failed (Found my mother tongue also "απέτυχε" which is written in Greek xD). Hope to hear more from you in the future!

With just a few words...I HATE ALEX! Cool concept and sometimes also i was getting the hibby jibbies without a!Anyway, thanks a lot for that opportunity!Can't wait to see more from you dev :) Here is also my let's play:

I totally loved the idea of having a musicbox that was revealing secret symbols scattered around the house, while at the same time you had to avoid being caught by that legless creature..Spoopy and very well made!I'm extremely eager to play more of this!Thanks a lot!Here is my let's play also:

That game gave me gossebumps!Really loved it but couldn't finish it though O_o