LMAO 10/10
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Relatively decent quality when you looked at the jam's submissions back then :).
I remember my game's (Package) source code, it was absolutely horrible. When tasked with how detecting individual boxes' collision with each other, I resorted to MANUALLY detecting them (e.g. if box1 colliding with box2, box1 colliding with box3, etc.).
It was a pain - and to this day I laugh at the fact I could've just used 2 for loops to do that. But it was my first game and I'm proud of it. You should be proud of this game too - don't call it low quality :)
Well, LIKO-12 is just another fantasy console that's inspired by PICO-8. This isn't to say it's merely a 'copy' of PICO-8. The API can be seen as different.
Unlike PICO-8 (which is proprietary and costs money), LIKO-12 is free and open source - which is great because it lets people to learn from the code and 'hack' it themselves. (This is similar to TIC-80, but LIKO-12 might be simpler.)
It's sad, honestly. It's released in 2018, and yet, I *might* be the second person ever to enjoy and appreciate this beautiful little game. The first one being the developer themselves.
A short, simple - but unique piece of art. Loved the music, btw.
Edit: Nvm, game is played and appreciated by people before I did 3 years ago. It's a submission to a game jam.