Thank you!
Yes, I tried to show that it's easier to stop chasing at the start of a break and you’re getting more rejections from your ex-girlfriend the more you’re trying hard.
Thank you and good job!
I did that so there wasn't any HUD and I did it by having four sprites on top of each other with some particles too.
One empty hearth for background, one red hearth with animations (for each time you touch a stop sign), some spikes that appears around the hearth (for each spike you touch) and a purple hearth with an additive effect.
Thank you and I am glad you had a good laugh!
The hard difficulty was a way to have a longer game and a way to represent the difficulty of trying to regain a past love.
And I don't know for the music you are talking about because there is only a wind sound during the entire game, birds sound for the wining part and police cars for the try hard part.