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A member registered Dec 26, 2021

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I've tried to trigger it 3 times, have succeeded twice, both times when I made a save the page after setting the brother's name as Raheem, which I'm fairly sure I did when I first triggered the bug as well, not 100% sure since I've had a long work day so my brain is goop rn but I'm usually p paranoid about saving right after setting something or making a choice. Idk if that helps? Also haven't tried to check if the bug shows up on desktop, have been playing on mobile, if that could be a factor? Sorry if none of that is like actually relevant to what could be triggering the bug, I don't understand how coding works 馃槄 hope it helps!

& noticed another bug on my replay for Mantis' route, firstly the bit after meeting Marsh def has the responses pathing wrong- I picked the "if I'd known I'd have avoided it" option this time & it seems to go the response for the "I didn't mean to" option. Secondly for the new bug I just noticed I picked a brother this time & set his name as Raheem but when I agreed to have Mantis help carry Zed to the camp the sequence of their brother talking about them having to keep their face covered changed his name to Rana, his name stayed as Rana for the rest of the playthrough as well, not just that one scene. Sorry to keep bothering you I'm just playing the dif routes at work rn & pointing out things as I notice them 馃槄

(2 edits)

Glad to help! I think I also found another bug- well before locking into a route, when Zed first meets Marsh & gets to respond to her apologizing for them having wandered too close & getting shot, the answers seems to be pathing incorrectly, answering "good to meet you" seems to take you to the reaction page for having said "if you'd known you would have avoided it" & saying "I didn't mean to" seems to go to the reaction page for saying "good to meet you". Just noticed it for sure when starting a replay for Crave's route rn

Cleared cache again & replayed- most of the issues seem to be fixed so thank you but I think I'm still getting one skipped scene?

After I select the option to ask Trigger for one of his caramels it still skips ahead to the following scene:

 " "If you say so," he says with a tone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" you ask, folding your arms over your chest.

"Just that you're playing pretty tough for someone who's playing this dumb." He grins he needling you on purpose?!""

& It feels like a scene is being skipped here since poor Zed asking for caramels isn't even acknowledged lol, no sweet treat for them 馃様

I'm on Trigger's route & playing a Serene Zed- though weirdly the save I made before picking this dialogue says it's for an energetic Zed in that one spot? Unsure if that's part of the bug or I just said something beforehand that made Zed tip over to energetic briefly. Let me know if you need any other info, this is the only scene I'm having the issue with now, all the others seem to be fixed :)

I've emptied cache/cookies & refreshed everything but on Trigger's route rn & it feels like things are skipping or something? I had Zed ask why they shouldn't say oral fixation for example & it went to a random but about Zed smiling & Trigger talking about how fast we're walking, asked for one of his caramels & it jumped ahead there too & he called them tough out of nowhere. P sure the error was happening earlier as well but not recalling the specifics, just that the scenes after most of my selections so far have felt kinda stilted & disconnected so I think it's skipping ahead maybe?