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A member registered Aug 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, the difficulty was supposed to increase by X amount every 5 second, but i think i went for a value way too low

Rly great game, the jump mechanic is challenging, i manage to jump to 74m. The music is really cool. the only annoying thing, every time you die, you have to leave the keyboard to get the mouse and click "Try Again". Maybe use a key to try again would feel smoother ? Anyways, love your game

Thanks for your comment, i spent maybe 10 to 15 minutes testing to figure out the right settings for the car movements, and i think i got it right.  Thanks for the websites, i was indeed looking for something to create sfx/music but couldn't manage to find anything interesting enough or easy enough for me. I guess it is allowed ? we'll see anyways ^^

Thanks you ! I didn't take the time to adjust the difficulty (i should have), it's by far too easy... Earlier today i lowered the HP and make some adjustement on the littles rocks spawn ratio, and it seems rly more challenging, too bad i can't upload it anymore :/

I love the idea, it's really hard for me, my brain can process all the informations, keybard control are a bit messy for me, i keep confonding them

Really fun puzzle game, I'd love to see more levels 

I had a bit of trouble understanding how the jump mechanic works, but after one or two minute testing i understood ! Rly fun and challenging, though a bit tyring for the hand

The physics are really fun, i enjoyed it a lot, made several attempt, but couldn't go over 99.6

Good game ! Assets are great looking and the game is pleasant to play ! 

Really good, it really gets hard, it's just kinda annoying that we can't differentiate normal cannons, and double shoot cannons

Really fun, but i got troubles dragging the feather with the mouse, i can't go as fast as i want or else i'll lose grasp on them