so exciting having been part of this journey! cant wait to see the full game in the future :D
Recent community posts
Loved the new update's content :)
I have a few suggestions for additional achievements:
- Fully upgrade Imp
- Become a Lord of Lust
- 'Mate' with 5 different partners kek
- Something related to rejecting corruption, whereby you pursue the path of purity maybe something like 'gain 10 levels' without earning any corruption? ooh it could even be called: Uncorruptable
I liked the additions of the achievement system, i just dont like the permanent 20 corruption provided by 1 of them as it made devoting to purity on a reborn playthrough not worthwile.
Additionally if you ally with Apothus it leads to a path where you cannot be reborn unless im missing something, not sure if its due to content still needed or is it just temporary?
Dagio is the envy of my being, i wanna have demonic and evil music going down when im chilling on the couch and people walk in xD YOU MADE A SALAD REFERENCE XDDDDD IM DYING! YOU CUT TOO TO BE CONTINUED AS SOON AS THINGS GET GOOD OMG! XD I was waiting for the Hugo sex scene what feels like years x) This phone/daily task thingy is actually really cool! :D A really interesting adition. What do all the stats affect though? The Day spent with Janus on the PC whatching EXCA videos are brilliantly done :) I loved all the references to it throughout the game! Accepting Alex's call is honestly one of the best scenes ever when Hugo gets to the apartment xD I love your writing Wolfstar. Keep up what you're doing and I can't wait to see more :)
Yeah the game is amazing thus far! :D Oh i am sure the content that will follow is gonna be great :) I am well aware that you are highly active on working on the updating the game, but i didnt know you do it all alone :O thats very impressive then! :) Thanks a ton for the reply and I look forward to seing more in the future :D
Hey wolfstar! :)
Initially I was put off by the game by the amount of story, but the story and the game is really good! :D I love the art style and all the characters are really cool. But atm does the game only go up till after the drama with Fury and at the point of where you can pick which dating route you want to pick? And when is the next update? The game is soooo good i wanna go on :D
Dear Dyne
I only realised and found out yesterday that I mixed up the 2 artists and I can understand why people were upset with the loss of CM's work but the game is still a demo and people need to understand that big shifts like the change in artists are things that can happen! Regardless this is still a video NOVEL and the story has been amazing thus far! :D So stoked to see what happens in the future :)
I have finished Darius, Dozer and Spencer's stories and almost done with Chester's :) And they all were amazing thus far!
Also is there a way to make a donation without becoming a patron? I can't afford monthly subs but a once off donation definitely!
Regards Priestelar :D
Dear Dyne
First off I want to say WOW what an amazing game. This is absolutely amazing!!! You have done a splendid job on this and I can really see the effort you've put in to add so much depth and life to the game and paint these characters with so much personality! Its absolutely awesome! :D I intend to become a patreon as soon as I come into some money :) I really want to help you out with a donation and really looking forward to the full game! Your game has made me feel so giddy the last while that I can't wait to get home at night xD I get butterflies from Dozer's path and Darius makes my heart throb when he is so spontaneously flirtatious! All your characters are really vivid and it is very hard to pick which paths to take!
And can I please just say that the "new" art style is amazing, like wow its so good. CaptainGerBear's colourful yet professional style makes the characters look super cute and detailed! Darius and Spencer are so much hotter now and Dozer, Chester and Coach are much cuter! Really looking forward to the future Dyne and goodluck and remember the most important thing: Never let the idiots that complain get you down, cause really they just don't know better... Its impossible to make everyone happy and they need to get over themselves! The fact that the game is offered to them for free just shows how ungrateful people can be!
You've got something awesome on your hands here! :) Goodluck and I look forward to joining your patreons! :D
The one and the only Priestelar
And as always YOU must enjoy the rest of your day! :) And I Thank You!