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A member registered Dec 24, 2021

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Bonjour à vous 2 . J'ai joué à la démo de votre jeu , j'ai bien aimé le pitch de départ (qui m'a beaucoup fait pensé au manga : blue lock  lol) Et j'ai 2 questions concernant le jeu . 1erement je souhaiterai savoir si vous comptez instaurer une sorte de systeme de  "domination/soumission" concernant le héros ? (un peu comme dans le VN : karlsson's gambit) . 2emement je voudrai savoir si nos choix auront un réel impact sur le déroulement du jeu ? (je veux dire par la : les relations entre le héros et les autres personnages ,  ou encore les succés et échecs du héros pour les épreuves qui l'attendent) car loin de moi l'idée de critiquer (chacun ses gouts après tout lol) mais je ne suis pas un adepte des VN ou le héros est toujours "invincible" , ou peu importe nos choix le héros gagne toujours , réussit tout ce qu'il entreprend ...  Je vous remercie d'avance (et dsl pour la longueur de ce message lol)

Bonne soirée et bonne continuation à vous

Hi , first i want to tell you : THANK YOU  because this game is awesome , i love it .

Second , i have a question : future updates will have more femdom scenes or not ?  (with noriko of course "my favorite character lol" , or even with other characters ?) 

I wait your answer with impatience .

Thanks again .

Hello Kjotaka , i LOVE your game so i plan to join you on patreon but i have one question regarding the game :  the MC can be more ... submissive or not ? I mean , for now , no matter my choices , i have the unpleasant feeling that the MC is always "almighty" . I don't know if you see what i mean ?

By example : the "bet" while the scene with Kris and Carolyne at the night club , it seems we can't lose to Kris (or i did something wrong)

So , of course , i don't want any spoilers concerning the game but , can he be fooled by the girls ? 

Thank you in advance for your answer

Have a nice day

NB = i like a lot of girls in the game (sandra - nicol - kris - jinny .....) but honestly : I LOVE Jess (so funny ... and hot too lol) i hope there will be more content about her .

Hi , i think to join you on patreon but i would know if PornFighters is still in development or abandoned ? I hope you will answer me .

Thanks you very much


Thank you for having answered me .

As promised , i (finally) joined you on patreon .

Since the last week , i continued the game and honestly , in my life as a player , i must say that i've known  many wonderful games , but your game is just ...... the best ! First of all , best story (i'm really addicted) many good characters .... I love EVERYTHING in the game . And i saw the scene where i (Kane) finally meet Olivia at chapter 4 and .... it's absolutely the best scene for now (from the point of view of the story i loved that and of course , the end of this scene where Kane lick olivia's shoes and toes ..... it's a waking dream lol) . I'm really impatient to see next scenes between them 2 .

So , i want to thank you for creating a masterpiece like that , you can count on me for supporting you each day of my life , i will be forever your slav..... your patron lol

Hi , VN games are not my style in general , BUT i must say i tested your game and ..... I LOVE IT ! it's wonderful (story - characters - design .....) and i think join you on patreon but before that i would know 2 things please : 

First : like i said before , there are some characters that i love BUT to be honest , the one i love especially is the MC sister , and basically i love play eroge (rpg especially) with lot femdom content and of course , the MC is always "submit" . So , i hate spoilers , but please can you tell me if you think doing 1 or some scenes between the MC (as a submit guy) and her sister (as a dominant) ... to be honest , it will be a dream LOL

Second : my question is about the MC and our choices , i don't know how say that , i know the game is not finish but can you tell me if the MC choices will have a "real impact" on the end ? I mean , for example , when i was young i played a game named "ALPHA PROTOCOL" , and in this game you make MANY choices , this choices have consequences on the game BUT at the end , you have the feeling what the hero is almighty , you can play a good guy , a bad guy or else , but at the end it's always "the winner is the hero" . So , i would know if in your game the MC can be "the loser of the story" , and diying (in one or many ways)  why not ? 

So , i hope you answer me , and ... MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!