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A member registered Dec 04, 2016

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i googled the driver files and just downloaded (from the Microsoft website) and installed. :)

I was wondering, is this game available on Windows? I'd like to download it, but the app says it's unavailable.

I finally got to play the game! (the error was on my end--a couple graphics driver files needed to run the .exe were missing.) I got the "hotdog" ending first and I had to laugh and cry at how awful the costume was. I got Lincoln's ending second and the plot twist surprised me! But it was ok, he's very cute. :) I'm off to play the other routes!

i'll send the file through email. :) happy holidays!

i'm really impressed with this demo so far! the art is gorgeous--i'd say professional level--and the story and mood is pretty cute and lighthearted. can't wait for the full version!

hmm i tried launching it but there was an error :( i can send you the txt file of the error message if you want, though.

i laughed when i saw that this dating sim was literally about dating Sims! i love visual novels and the sims, so this is a must for me. downloading it now! :)