Interesting game concept with unfortunately lackluster execution. The complete lack of leniency mechanics made the controls clunky to use. (Coyote frames, buffer jumps, etc.) Fire could kill me before it was even visible, while I was in the air. Please, when you make a hazard, make the hitbox smaller than the sprite. And give leniency.
Then, having the objects fall in edit mode made the game much more frustrating to play. I was basically forced to exploit the mechanics of the game in order to make any progress, by freezing the objects in the air.
Also, many of the mechanics are not explained very well in the game. At the start, I was incredibly confused about what the game wanted me to do. I feel like teaching the mechanics were somewhat of an afterthought when it came to designing this game.
Also, an in game explanation of the objects would've been nice. Maybe a popup when you hover over them, or something of the sort. As it is now, the function of each object is unclear.
The animation that played every time I rested was annoying. Opening 2 pity boxes felt like a repetitive task and I was annoyed by it. Maybe the player should be able to keep the objects from previous rounds, and only receive pity boxes when they have below a certain amount of objects.
At a certain point, I got myself quite a bit of useful objects, so I thought to myself that it would be a good idea to save them for another round. That's how I found out you lose all of your objects every round. It felt very unfair to me.
I feel like this game had no playtesting at all.
The movement felt unnatural, the jump was just short enough to feel unsatisfying, many of the mechanics felt like they would only make sense to someone who had created this game. Why do some objects float and some don't? How long is there to go until the game ends? Is there even an end? Etc etc etc. The common theme with all these question is that it is something that the creator of the game would know, so of course it is impossible to notice this mistake when you design your own game because of course, as the designer, you already know how the game works. But I don't, so when something behaves in a way that feels counter intuitive or that was not explained to me, I feel cheated in a way.
Keep making video games. I may have not enjoyed this one but you have potential. Do not take this comment as an attack but rather as a learning experience. The fact that you were able to make this game at all is still pretty impressive.