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A member registered Apr 18, 2017

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I was having trouble with them as well. I was able to get them to work using an xbox controller and you have to do them super fast.

well it appears to have stopped and i cant recreate it.

With the new update the boss zombie of each wave spawns in the center of my base.

-When loading a save the truck respawns back at its original location

-Changing survivors causes damage. I get that starting with a new survivor they wouldn't be full health so you don't just rotate survivors to be invincible, but if you open the "survivors" page and select the survivor you are currently playing with or change to one and back to the other you lose that health.

-the pause menu drains stamina, not really a big deal because it comes back so quickly but......ya know.

-I feel like 4 small children should fit in my truck so I don't have to watch them get eaten for the 87645391654091st time. (That's obviously not a bug, I've just been trying to save them and I never get more than 1 or 2)

I just started playing today and loving the game so far. things i have noticed that could use some work.

-Zombies find their way through my fence a lot. especially if you hit them while they are trying to break down the fence.

-you cant shoot over a fallen zombies body

-I am having a lot of zombies disappear and appear out of nowhere, which seems to go with some sort of lighting problems im having where it seems dark out, as if it was night time, but the light to dark is patchy and sometimes even comes across as a bit of a strobe effect.

-when on the bridge the camera moves to an overhead view, things like the gas gauges from all the cars don't so you cant read them.

-The onramp from the city onto the bridge changes its look when you aren't on it and makes it very hard to find your way back

-The merchant guy makes an amazing road block for the truck and you can get stuck between him and a solid object, making it so you have to sort of wiggle back out and go around him.

-The most game ruining glitch i have come across happened just now. I was going for another survivor (the one under the bridge) and while trying to finish his quests a herd shows up so i scoot back to my base. (after going in circles a few time trying to spot the onramp to the bridge) then while im trying to fight the zombies every few seconds the camera slides across the map back to the survivor to see what he is saying ("smash the bottles") after a second or 2 of botton mashing and swearing the camera comes back to my charactor and then after a second its back to that bum under the bridge, making it impossible to beat the zombies obviously and I lost my base.

That's all i can think of at the moment. thanks