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Project 26 Studio

A member registered Oct 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hello MGC_Vlad,

Thank you for your purchase!

And i'm really sorry for the inconvenience, and you encounter some annoying bugs. But, i'm really thankfull for your honesty. And i'm gratefull that you are enjoy my game a little bit. 

Don't delete your videos, it's okay, because of that i realize my fault, and i want to fix that. And because of your videos, i found the bugs, and i already fix that. Now you can download the updates on the your library. But, you can't continue you playthrough, and you must play a new game again. 
But don't worry, perhaps, you can find another petitions encounter in the game.

If you want to upload your new videos. I'm so grateful for that.


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Project Reign

I just released a game, and i do promote it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, but didn't get too much attention for audience.
And i have already contact the Youtubers or Streamers, but didn't get any reply :(
So Anyone want to play a different game, or want to try strategy game, you come in the right Place.

Project Reign

Is a Narrative-Driven Strategy game which take you in the Kingdom of Yuedea As the Acting King, and you must solve your people problem by answering your choice. Any Choice you gave will affect your endings in the future. And Of course, you will have the external problem where your enemy, Kingdom of Naradean will march and attack your kingdom. As a King, defend your kingdom is still your duty.

The defense system is the combination between Clash Royale and Tower Defense system. Where you can Deploy your army in three (3) different base, and can deploy your Artillery to defeat more enemies easier. For further information and features about this game, you can read this Thread

Or you can buy our game At Buy Now!

But, if you want to gift it for free, you can DM me on Instagram

Project Reign

(1 edit)

Hello guys, How are you?
Thank you for visiting my post!!


Project Reign

Basically a Narrative-Driven and ClashRoyale-TowerDefense Game.

Here you as a Acting King Rule the Kingdom of Yuedea for one Year, before the King's Heir is reaching his age. And you must solve your people petition, fight or avoid political intrigue, and defend your city from The Kingdom of Naradean.

A King's Decisions!

In this game, you will meet some of your people petition and ask for your choice of their action. There is no Good or Bad choice, because all of your choice will affect your ending in the future. 

For Example : A Noble came to you and tell you about the Pandemic in this kingdom.
you can choice 2 options : 1. Investigate and cure the pandemic, or 2. Let it go, it's doesn't affect you well.

If you choose option 1. Then, the pandemic is stopped, and your people happiness is increasing.
But, if you choose option 2. Then, the pandemic is started, and your people happiness is decreasing for a few turns. But, the pandemic will spread to your enemies kingdom, and decreasing their army when they reach your kingdom and attack you, you have an advantage for this.

Another example for the petition is you can unlock a new stories furthermore if you choose another option. 
For example : There is a murder in your city, and some Commoners report it to you. And you have 2 another options
1. Investigate, or 2. It's isn't your bussiness

if you choose to investigate it (Option 1. ) you will lose 50 Gold to hire investigator, and in a few turns, They will come to you again to bring the murderer to the justice.
Or perhaps you don't want to run out your Gold and let it go, the event stopped, and you will not meet them in the future.

Defend your Kingdom!

Speak of your enemies, here lies The Kingdom of Naradean, which is your old enemy.

they often attack The Kingdom of Yuedea to ocuppy and sack the city. You as a king, of course you must defend your city to protect the King's Heir Legacy. The Battle system is quite simple. It's a ClashRoyale-TowerDefense Combined gamestyle.

Which you have a 3 base as same as the enemy, to win, you must destroy your enemy base, or decreasing your enemy soldier numbers to Zero (0) Army. You must deploy at the different base as your enemies approaching to your base and destroy it. Or, you must do the same to win.

A numbers of enemy can't be defeated only by your armies, but you can use Trebuchet or Ballista to decrease your enemies soldier, and it's really help you to defend your base. Also, your enemies would do the same to you (it's fair didn't it?)

To Deploy the Trebuchet or Ballista, you must deploy it on your area.

Your Kingdom Resources

There are 6 resources in your kingdom system. Gold, Food, Army, Peasant Happiness, Noble Happiness, and Church Support.
The most important is your Gold, it's needed to build an Army, and Upgrading your City. But, the most important of your kingdom system is the Peasant, Noble, and Church Happiness. You must balance or overcome their happiness. (Don't let three of them below -80 or game over).

As i mention before, you can increase or decrease the people happiness by decide their petition very good and make them happy. 

Upgrade your City!

In Project Reign, you can upgrade your city buildings by using gold. But, when you upgrading your city, it's can affect your people hapiness.
For example Upgrading your Market, can increase the Noble Hapiness, but, it's decreasing your Peasant Hapiness, and Chruch Support, and the good news, it's can increase your gold perturn. And every building you upgrade is affecting your gameplay, such as Upgrading Chruch will unlock Bribery that can increase your happiness per turn, but it's also cost gold.


Project Reign is good for you who love to play Narrative-Driven, or decision maker. Project Reign will have 4 Endings, and every choice you made it's will affect your endings from the Early game, to the end of the game. If you interested to play Project Reign, you can download it Here and buy it for $2.99

PS : 

So, here is it the features of Project Reign, it's maybe a have a bad graphics (i can't draw), and also will have a bugs (I also can't programming, thanks to Playmaker). But, it's worth to play with $2.99, and honestly i got fired from my job on April 2020 because of Covid-19, and almost 8 month i didn't earn some money, and perhaps this will be my last things to do before i really run out money, and don't know what to do in the future. It's hard to get a new job. And i really hope that my first game will be sell it well, and i can afford a little food, and make a another serious project with beautiful art (i need to take a course for Art in a Game) and learn the playmaker more deeply. 

For who will buy my game, i would say thank you so much! and you are my financial hero, and i pray for God to bless you too! Thank you so much! and Thank you.