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A member registered Sep 01, 2016 · View creator page →

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You'll want to hop on the PTDiscord and see how the unofficial guide is coming along. A Fan walkthrough is slowly being worked on, and she has no issue telling people how to unlock characters and endings!

Yes it does. There's an .sh file right there alongside the .exe one! 

I was thinking of giving that entire section a giant nerf and having it only happen on New Game+ runs. But, while such a patch is brewing, there are no dramatic repercussions of running into such scenes in the story. For 99.9% of the game, it's just flavor text to make one's run more unique. I'm afraid if you delete the persistent files that keeps track of such decisions, the script will create a new file that says you did that and add an entirely different set of flavor text.

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We're working on working with a third party to make it for us! lol

Game live. Early Access has been available for months now, and the full game is scheduled to be fully released this month. You can download's version of Early Access here. It's also on Steam with the same name.

Here we are~!

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We are desperately aiming for this year. Even early this year! For here and Steam.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the demo! Going by the demo's word count, I'm estimating around 100k words? And easily over if I'm being too conservative again.