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Proper Duck Games

A member registered Jul 10, 2016 · View creator page →

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I'm not sure you understand the concept of a game jam. Good thing itch tells us when cheaters submit premade games.

Most of it is, I photoshopped it to say "Over Steer" in the cartridge graphic, put my logo on it, and engraved "MigJam 20" on it.

Your art style is cool. 

This was fun, I liked having to look around for clues.

Seems like a game of chance.

I don't what I'm missing when it make the bad sound.

That was neat, I was expecting the hats to be a clue or something.

A little too violent for my taste.

I don't know where I went, but I found a circle that was spinning around.

Overall it was smooth, after the loop I don't know what to do.

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Thanks! I'm glad you think so. During development, I've probably played it over a hundred times and it's stopped being fun for me. I was worried that it wasn't really a fun game after all.

Nice, Reminds me of those pipe games.

I like the creativity.  Fun discovering all the ways to die.

A platformer where you can't die... that is a fresh idea. Great job!

(1 edit)

Troll. Game was made last year, not during the jam time frame. Doesn't even fit the game jam theme.  0/10

MigJam #18 community · Created a new topic 10 Days Left

How "under control" is your scope? Are you going to definitely finish in time or cut it close?

Thanks for playing my game and for hosting the jam. I think I will branch this game to add the things that I didn't have time for and to address the issues you mentioned.

I also had the issue where Pressing Enter doesn't always start the game. Other than that it's a good typing game.  If I may, I think it would be good to see the next few words before having to type them, it's a bit jarring to have to type real fast, pause, and type real fast, and pause...

Not bad, but after making 4 snowmen and only  being able to upgrade 3 of them, I don't know what else to do besides wait to be defeated.

Thanks, and thanks for playing.

Interesting.  The drones caught me by surprise. 

I finally beat all 10 levels.  Great job, Done!

Neat mechanic of one button to shoot and change direction.

A lot easier than flappy bird.

Nice, Is it event driven ... like there's no winning?

Yea, now that I know how to play it's more fun. Thanks.

I enjoyed the graphics! And the suspense was great too while waiting for the bombs to come down.

A bit tough, but well done. Medium rare.

Love the artwork!!!

It's a lot more fun when you realize you can go behind buildings and run through the trees, and that shift makes you run.  I didn't figure out any upgrades tho... where's my paycheck!?!

That was fun.

That was funny game, quite enjoyable.

Cool. And mobile friendly! I kinda like the animation and graphics style.

Nice. I would have liked to see a timer or something that lets you know when the change is coming.

Not a bad concept. A little frustrating.

I wish it was more clear what was going on. Does clicking send the bird to the worm or is the bird beating me to the worm?

I'm glad you were able to beat it. The jittering has to do with the A* and Unity's colliders not playing well together.  For accidental restarts, that's a  common problem with games that use F or E.  R is right there.  Next time I'll have to add a confirm (Y, N) option to Restarting.

Thank you for the kind words and taking the time to play it on your stream [].  I truly appreciate it.  

Thanks for the comments and suggestions, Mig.

Wow, graphics look great, how long did it take you to make it?