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A member registered Dec 08, 2021

Recent community posts

nothing there liar

i got a full time job jus let me jack off man

i really like the art but aint got time to go through every rout just to get them

yeah but i dont know the routes

cheat to unlock all images

ah ok

is the head supposed to be see through?

how unlock gallery


for how long

yes he said this is his last update

the game is no longer being developed

the game is no longer being developed sadly

game of the year

for reference this is how people felt febuary 16th was the peak which is a little after the horrid change.  

there was no context or anything. Just "oh btw i made their boobs bigger without even asking if people would be ok with that"

so they blood related

people are mad because they put money into supporting this game and suddenly changed the models without even asking the community


Is this a IC game?

fix the game

because he's a fucking idiot\

how sex4

running it in dx11 helped

yes i do

even at the lowest possible settings i cant get this game to run. its a fucking shame. after the character selection screen it just crashes

any plans for changing the sounds in game. the cum sound just sounds like peeing.

flat justice

bring back flat justice

flat justice

how do you fill lube

wrong song

guess who's back. back again

just me or is the update not working for me?

did but i lost the save and i cant be bothered to get it all back. i just downloaded a save from online. I do wish there was a way to make the animation handless for you know.... reasons...

is there a cheat file or a way to cheat

gonna be honest i dont like it the animations could be better

add back flat justice

whats in the unlocked version i wanna know before buying

glad there is a gallery unlock cause this game hard af lmao