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A member registered Feb 01, 2022 · View creator page →

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You haven't seen everything yet, so better calm yo ass down, mate. You're just too fast to judge. So if you don't want it, there's no need to be here at all

It was just a dream. Not the end of the world. 

(1 edit)

Getting STDs kinda over the top. Just wait and see, or fucking find your best AVN and play it till you're 50

Optional :)

I'm currently working on it right now :)

Yeah, just a matter of time and we're gonna bring Re:RUDY back again

You can see the the status updates in our discord server, mate

No, I'm doing Re:RUDY update right now

I'm currently working with the next update of Re:RUDY, and after that, we can have another IB bomber again!

Oh I didn't see the upper part xD
We'll have four lovely Harem girls, plus some other side characters. About the animations, only in the bed scene, no fights, no struggles like in Re:RUD

I'm currently working on it, Yami! Thanks for the support

Thanks, Ollite!

NTR, not at all. But you can have fun with some other talents (optional) <3

We're gonna have some good production in here, but NTR wasn't part of the plan, won't ever be

Thanks for the suggestion, nopcie! I'd do that right away

Glad you liked both Re:RUDY and Industry Baby, Yuikoe! I really appreciate your thoughts about the game, and I promise to keep the hype for my projects!

Thanks for liking the show, aklid! There's gonna be more in near future!

Thanks, Charceus! You can check our discord server to check for updates

Thanks for the supprt, buddy! I'll all my best to make the game better! I also have game status in discord, so y'all can track the progress of the game. Small tits, big hits!

You can ask in our discord server, my guy. You'll get the answer there

We cookin' hard!

Thanks for the comment! I hope I can bring more enjoyment for y'all soon

Thanks, man! :salute:

Of course not x

There you go,  guys!

Thanks for your concern, jacob. I'll do something to fix this issue.
NOTE: Some changes might seen for the next update.

I'm glad you like it! Thanks!

Thanks, Krizs!