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A member registered Jun 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much, I'm not much of an artist but I tried my best! It's amazing what a color palette can do for your visuals, makes everything more cohesive!

Thanks! Over 96,000 points, wow, I don't think I even got past 12,000 while testing the game :D

Thank you, I'm glad it offers a challenge!

Really solid experience! Even if it was kinda short and unfinished, I still enjoyed myself! That radio you can turn on in the starting room made me chuckle quite a bit :D

(1 edit)

Really solid aesthetics, you nailed the PS1 look! I did find controlling the player a tad bit uncomfortable, although I do understand you were intentionally going for old school tank controls. Other than that, neat stuff!

Really solid visuals, me and my game jam teammate couldn't get over how great it looks! I did have to restart the game a couple of times because there were no more ammunition pickups left on the map, but other than that, great work!

Thanks a lot man, couldn't imagine this game without your absolutely incredible music! The old school retro tracks are so much fun to listen to!