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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you sir/mam, I'm glad you enjoyed the bad driving physics (although it was just me being lazy to study a legit driving system for my truck) :)

Thanks sir, yeah I had lots of ideas in my head when brain storming this. Like a penalty system where a police car chases you when you break the law XD. But for the jam I only aimed to make the core gameplay loop :) 

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The real star of this game is the level design. The tempo for the increasing difficulty is just right. A nice touch for having a penalty system to prevent just spamming throwing ice creams. Maybe if i were to offer a mechanic I would add a pity system wherein every time you hit an obstacle you slow down a bit. But regardless, with the right amount of polish you can ship this to the playstore and you might get a flappy bird hit.

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Really solid unique approach! I remembered making games like this in real life when I was a kid using tennis balls and creating my own obstacles :)

Thanks sir/mam! Yup, if i were to polish this game I'm thinking of it being separated using stages and each stage having different objectives

Thanks sir/mam! Yeah clearly a lot of things are needed to be polish in this game but glad you found the driving interesting haha :)

Thanks!, to be honest driving games aren't really my thing I just wanted to try making one for the jam :)

Simple but it works! Loved the parallax effects and the game is quite addicting too.

Great art! And you drew everything yourself too nice.  Although the game is quite difficult though. When a kid reached your ice cream truck it's all over hahaha

Thank you so much sir/mam for the feedback, as my first game jam this means a lot to me :)

Thank you sir/mam :) The models and animations are made by this awesome guy (Quaternius) who released it for free :)

Thank you sir/mam :) I did intend it to have a 2 player mode but as you can see with my menu screen and splash arts... I ran out of time XD

Thanks sir/mam for trying my game :) and noted about the timer. I can see that it would make it more organize and more tense.

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For some reason the Originality Art and Sound did not match to what I answered in the submission form (I even tried to edit my submission form): So I'll answer it here, MAJORITY of all the art (models and pictures)  and sounds (music and effects) were made by other people outside of my team.  (This is due to the fact of me not reading and understanding the rules carefully). However I credited the artists and composers accordingly in the credits section in the game. I invested too much in my project to do a major overhaul when I finally understood that making our own art modes and pictures is highly recommended. 

Another Note: The unity version I build the project upon on Unity 2020.10f has a buggy WebGL build, so I really have no choice but to submit a PC .exe build :(