I'm interested, but there's 0% chance I'm putting up with a don't touch the walls maze.
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It seems really interesting, but I'm having trouble playing it. I'm on a 1280x1024 monitor, going fullscreen or zooming out in the browser makes it unplayable. vvv

A downloadable version would be appreciated too, so I don't have to re-download it each time.
I filled out the form, but I'm posting this part here for the picture.
I wasn't able to get it to run, always ending on a black screen. https://youtu.be/jzKLXGVZw1M
I'm on a 5:4 monitor, Windows 10, AMD Graphics card, but nothing else obviously incompatible.
I'd also appreciate if the three versions were separate downloads, since they're pretty hefty all together.
I have some bug reports, played on 2.2.0:
Tips always show on death, regardless how it's set in the options.
If Spaniel comes in the back door, it uses Dead-Pea's end screen and tips.
Plush-Mate's poster sometimes gets stuck on the "..." stage.
Beating Hard Mode in free-play before unlocking the extra characters led to a black screen softlock after the 9:00 cutscene.
Pausing and unpausing in hard mode causes the music to play twice at once.
The fade-out for exiting the Extras menu takes twice as long as other menus.
The doll and 'watch me' characters won't unlock in the extras menu, their bios or jumpscare.
"Use the Left and Right arrow keys to switch up characters" shows up when you open the extras menu, rather than when you look at the character bios, and has an extra space before "characters".
The jumpscares menu says left/right mouse button, instead of just left.
Not sure it's a bug , but I can't figure out the true ending. I got up to a silver star by playing normal mode, but nothing happens by beating it again. Beating hard mode in free-mode doesn't seem to do anything either, but it takes you to the main menu instead of the free-mode options like normal.
I didn't find any accessories either, but the only thing I did other than 'start the night' and hard mode was 1 randomized night.
I had another big and small idea.
The big one is: Instead of a random card, the HIT ME is a timeable roulette. Sorted by value, so it's all the 2s, the 3s, ect... Spinning fast enough that hitting a value is easy, but hitting a suit is hard. Flushes essentially stay 1/4, but straights are slow and guaranteed. Four of a kinds get harder over time, as they get removed. Royal flushes mean waiting for a full rotation, and taking the 1/4 chance on suit.
The small one is: When you place a card in your hand, the old one goes to your 'inventory'. That way you can rearrange your hand, and you can't accidentally remove a card.
It's a really solid arcade game with great graphics and I don't want to detract from that, but you asked for advice and I had an idea:
Instead of just building a hand, you need to reach a chip threshold, and every hand you make multiplies your banked chips.
That gives you a reason to collect chips and build better hands even if you don't care about score. And you get the extra decision-making of whether it's faster to grind chips or make a better hand.
I think it's good flavor-wise too; you play poker to win chips.
I have a small hobby project going on: https://itch.io/t/3699133/lfsall-positionsgamemaker-studiounpaid
It's a ~15 minute caveman themed 2d platformer. There's a design doc in the link . If you're interested, join the Discord server and send an introduction.
I have a small hobby project that could use a sound designer: https://itch.io/t/3699133/lfsall-positionsgamemaker-studiounpaid
Okay! It looks like you specialize in larger, detailed pieces. If you're willing to do smaller sprite work, you can start right away. If not, there's things like between-level still frames and promo material, but you'll have to wait for the finalized designs on everything. If either of those are okay, you can join the Discord and send an introduction.
I have a prototype for a simple platformer, and want a team to help finish it. I'm a hobbyist solo-dev looking to practice game directing and development with a group. As a practice project, I'm hoping for volunteers, and will take inexperienced people.
The game is a 2d platformer about a caveman, with a limited moveset and a focus on level gimmicks.
I plan to recruit people until May 1st. Artists, composers, level designers, coders, writers, and anyone else who's interested. Any necessary areas that go unfilled, I'll personally handle.
Hoping to have it completed by June. It will be released for free on Itch.
Link to the design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W9gol3D5fheIodipcyE9YGKUyqyXOLRoa8dOxzSFgjw/...
Link to the Discord server: https://discord.gg/FSqHt2Y2
A playthrough of the current build: https://youtu.be/iqm4v9a9lxs