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A member registered Nov 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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i'm so glad you're excited to play and that the episode drew you in - i absolutely love LT's playthrough of it as well. i hope the game proves soothing for you :)

no worries at all, thank you so much! bundle is posted now :D

oh! i really hope it helps! feel free to distribute and/or print to your hearts content, this game is out in the world to be helpful :)

its much appreciated :D 

it says you havent approved yet, was the link workin alright for you? 

hi there :o) bundle is ready to be approved. thank you so much for submitting!!! https://itch.io/b/2463/lukas-top-surgery-debt-bundle

hi there :o) bundle is ready to be approved. thank you so much for submitting!!! https://itch.io/b/2463/lukas-top-surgery-debt-bundle

hi there :o) bundle is ready to be approved. thank you so much for submitting!!! https://itch.io/b/2463/lukas-top-surgery-debt-bundle

hi there :o) bundle is ready to be approved. thank you so much for submitting!!! https://itch.io/b/2463/lukas-top-surgery-debt-bundle

hi there :o) bundle is ready to be approved. thank you so much for submitting!!! https://itch.io/b/2463/lukas-top-surgery-debt-bundle

hi there :o) bundle is ready to be approved. thank you so much for submitting!!!


im laughing at the playbook abilities so much. i love this

thank you so much! very kind :)

no worries! thanks for letting me know

yes, the formatted version is friendly to all forms of color blindness! it was run through the coblis color blindness simulator and i did not have trouble reading it or telling the boxes apart in any of the modes

i teach this game as a text in the analysis unit of my composition class for college freshman. we use it to talk about tone, imagery, metaphor, autonomy, concept mashups, and other good stuff. ive taught it twice now and the students seem really interested in this as a text. definitely will continue to use it in coming semesters 

i use this game as a text in the analysis unit of my composition class for college freshman. i've taught it twice now and we have a class discussion about it - analyzing the tone, content of the intended gameplay, and design. it's gone very well both times. the students are engaged with the game and sometimes also get emotional thinking about the stories that could be told with it. we've had some interesting conversations about player safety and how texts can impact their audience

worth the price for the gorgeous layout alone. a very cool and creative game thats presented in a visually compelling way


approved!! congratulations on this exciting time!

Hello everyone!

I’m PsychHound, or Luka. I’m a TTRPG dev here but I’m also in grad school for game studies, researching therapeutic applications for gaming. I’m doing a research study through my university looking into long-term tabletop roleplay and emotional resilience.

Essentially, my research is asking the question: Does long-term play of multiplayer tabletop roleplaying games affect your ability to weather social and emotional challenges?

The study is additionally interested in whether marginalized communities have a different experience with tabletop roleplay and emotional resilience than non-marginalized groups do.

The study will take place in a few stages.

The first stage is a survey. On the survey, there are screening questions to make sure all participants qualify for the study, and then open, short-answer questions about both your experiences with roleplay and making characters, and also questions about emotional resilience. You’re able to answer questions with little depth to more depth depending on your comfort level, or skip questions if you need to. The survey will take approximately 30 minutes, but depends on how in-depth you go with your answers

The next stage is an optional follow-up interview. After the survey closes, three participants will be selected to complete an opt-in interview which will last approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour. During the interview, we will discuss more in-depth your answers from the survey, and talk about the character(s) you’ve played.

The survey will be open from 3/27/24 to 4/12/24, or until I hit my maximum number of responses 

To qualify, you must be a tabletop roleplayer, who has played at least three roleplay sessions of a multiplayer TTRPG, during a span of 6 months or longer. You must be 18 years or older and an American citizen

If you know others who qualify and would be interested in the survey, please feel free to share this post or the survey link with them as well

You can find the survey here: https://lukabrave.surveysparrow.com/s/emotional-resilience-and-tabletop-roleplay...

Thank you so much to everyone who is able to participate or spread the word!

very cool game. i think the rewards for the snake eyes / spider eyes mechanics are my favorite part. love when the mechanics reinforce the aesthetic of the game. lots of cool illustrations too!

thank you so much lady t!! it was a great episode

this comment really touched my heart. thank you so much for sharing, i'm so glad your research team is doing good work!!

(2 edits)

a banner that reads "immigration sale" in large light letters, with "8 games 40 - 60% off" in smaller light text. the background is a home's porch with a rocking chair, with a light brown translucent text box over it

howdy all!! 

so my good friend, who is my little sister's partner, is moving to the US to be with her!! but the immigration visa is very expensive so i'm hosting a TTRPG sale to help them fundraise! 

there are 8 games in the sale, each one 40% off and the full bundle 60% off for only $18 total!! 

the games included are: 

  • little shepherd, little spy: a solo or duet journaling game where you are a spy in the fairy war, delivering messages through your spy ring through coded messages in the books on your bookshelf
  • dead mans hand: a solo storytelling game where you travel around the weird wild west learning peoples stories through a poker hand oracle system
  • little celestial fieldwork guide: a solo or multiplayer city exploration photography game where you use tarot cards to get hints as to what objects little spirits are hidden as to catalogue them for your research
  • familiar field trip: a competitive multiplayer game where you are all witches' familiars causing havoc in the village, teaming up or betraying each other to get the most mischief points
  • shadow/giant: a duet game where one player is a gruff, jaded adult and the other player is the magical child now under their care
  • the graveyard game: a solo journaling game where you interview people to write an ethnography of a magical, haunted graveyard
  • with breath & sword: a solo journaling game where you gear up and fight monsters in order to calm down from real-life anxiety, using grounding methods and breathing techniques
  • the narrator paradox: a solo narrating game where you have to wrangle your protagonist into listening to the story you're trying to tell and not defying the narrative

if any of these sound interesting to you please check out or spread the word!! 

the sale runs until the end of march!! thanks everybody!!

thank you so much!!! thats so kind to say <333

update: the entire game is written already <33 oopsie!! it's 3500 words but i had a blast with it!!

just downloaded the original game and also the srd!! i'm toying with a "gruff older character adopts child" theme a la the last of us, logan, or bioshock. but probably with some sort of magical element. not sure who i want to be which character at this point ... i'll have to think more about the Themes. i can see the adult being character 2 in being the one trying to communicate with the scared kid and possibly mucking that up ... but i can also see the kid being character 2 and the game-ending roll pushes being more magical in nature, with them trying to get through to the jaded adult. im really split!! feedback welcomed

love that!!!

oh, thats so great to hear!! thank you for telling me :D

thats very sweet, thank you! :D

haha, thank you so much!! we've been using these mechanics with great success in two of my campaigns for about a year now!! i hope you find them useful too!

oh this is so silly. i love it. absolutely bringing this one to the squad we're gonna tear each other apart (affectionate)

hi there! i'm teaching a college freshman composition class themed on games/ttrpgs and for homework this week we listened to ladytabletop's playthrough of village witch. the students really liked it and thought it was very cool the witch in the game isn't a villain and that it can include different genres. one of the students really connected to the theme of traveling to a new place to see if it can be your new home as an incoming college student and asked to play this game and write her essay on it for our first essay assignment, the personal narrative. it made me really excited she thought the game was impactful enough that she specifically asked to play this one even though she wasn't a gamer before this class!

i had my class of college freshman play this today to demonstrate genre and narrative and i was a little worried because they hadn't been super talkative up till this point, most of them had never played a tabletop game before, and it's only their first week of college. i asked for volunteers to make characters (five students volunteered) and then the rest of them decided our tone and genre for the game. one student decided they wanted it to have a mystery vibe, and the "family" was all connected through the mystery. then our first player decided to make a retired sheriff turned rancher, so it became a wild west mystery. after that, everyone really started getting into it, and it ended up taking a fantasy route when a few players made talking animals as their characters. students who weren't playing asked if they could make connections as well and so a few of them ended up suggesting connections between the characters the players hadnt thought of. we only had time to go through one round (so 5 characters with connections to each other) but when i brought in the bastards alternate rule and had someone make an ancillary character they all got really excited (they made a ghost who knew all the town secrets). at the end of class a few students expressed disappointment we couldnt keep going with the game or keep talking about the characters so they now have a discussion board to keep talking about it. overall a hugely successful first in-class game!!! it was the perfect game to play before i introduce our narrative essay next class. thank you!!!

that's so exciting!! im so glad you feel inspired to put your own work out there and i could help foster some drive for that in some way. i wish you the best of luck with it!! very exciting!!

nope, just something that comes with the class!

oh, this is really interesting, thank you! you should definitely publish this somewhere when youre happy with it as well! i won't lift from you, but no harm in having multiple versions of a mechanic out there!

yeah, go for it!

i'd definitely like to do it again next year when autism acceptance month comes around again!

oh, you're so right! i definitely should have thought of that! i'll have a think on it and then update the files when i come up with something :o) i appreciate the kind words and the interest!