Thanks a lot! Yes, it's my first experience with Unreal. My last work with a game engine was on the Quake III engine, and it was 'only' level design for the Urban Terror game.
Hi! Sorry for the delay. I am not an Unreal Linux expert, but I think OpenGL is possible, but the default option is Vulkan. I don't have a Linux installation anymore, so I'm not sure and there are, perhaps, differences with the latest version of Unreal.
You're right, to sell a game, optimization is a very important part of it. In this case, post-treatment effects may also be guilty. I think advices for Unity are also valid for Unreal ;)
Hi! I'm really sorry to read that, I need to work on optimization. I'm actually working on a MacbookPro 2017 with a Radeon Pro 555, so it was my only hardware reference... I tried to put some graphical settings in the options but maybe it's not enough.