ahh okay yea then i like the feature but! :) but the earrape sound it makes when you pick the arrows up is not good its very loud
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okay so i love the game so much already but i might have found 2 bugs but at least 1 for sure.
so the first one i am not sure if its just that the questline stops there or if its a bug. For the quest i had to get the spy drones from the south and deliver them to edie. I picked up the drones and the area is not showing on the map anymore. So i am sure i have the item but edie doesnt show the question mark for wanting to talk and the quest is specifically saying for me to talk to edie.
the second bug i am experiencing is with the bow. The shooting works fine but in order to get arrows back you have to pick them back up. but whenever i walk over them the animation and sound happen forever and i get all my arrows instantly back. the arrow will stay on the ground and the area will get covered in arrows most of the time. I like it since its pretty handy but not balanced and how it was meant to work i think...
The link for a gif of the arrow problem
Screenshot of the quest problem