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A member registered Feb 27, 2018

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Hello i want a update to the game.

i just bugged out in movement. i was playing game and my character just inverted controls. w was going backward s was going front a was going right and d was going left.

Dear developer, game is short. God bless you.

Dear developer, configuration window can not be minimized to taskbar. i can not minimize game with windows start button on keyboard. I can not set graphics options in the game I can not set vsync. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. Please update game to directx12 with raytracing support. God bless you.

(1 edit)

Dear developer, configuration window can not be minimized to taskbar. I can not sprint with shift button. i can not crouch with ctrl button. Please add daynight cycle. Please update game to directx12 with raytracing support. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. I can not set graphics option in the game. i can not set mouse sensitivity. I like closing game with esc button. God bless you.

Dear developer, mouse movement is very slow in game. i set mouse sensitivity to max but movement of mouse is very low. God bless you. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested.

Game is very scary. i expected different game. Game does not say this. God bless you.

Dear developer, game is only 32bit. i can not crouch with ctrl button. i can not set graphics quality in game. I can not set vsync. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. Some images are little unsafe. I can not set music and sounds off. Volume control is missing. God bless you.

Beans Inc community · Created a new topic feedback

Dear developer, game is unfinished with some textures. i was stuck with customers eating in night. Please add trees and crocodile in river. Please add weather effects. I can not sprint with shift button. sometimes customers ask for many items but they walk away with just one. Please add radio and more rooms with boxes as storage room. God bless you.

dear developer, nice game. but some levels are almost impossible to beat in quick hurry. i can not crouch with ctrl button and i can not sprint with shift button. I can not set graphics quality in game. I can not set fullscreen. i can not set vsync. mouse is moving very slow in main menu. Please add physx particles. I can not set music or sounds and volume control is missing. God bless you.

dear developer, i can not crouch with ctrl button. i can not sprint with shift button. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. Please update game to directx12 with raytracing support. God bless you

dear developer, i can not crouch with ctrl button. i can not pause game with esc button.  Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. I can not set graphic options in the game.

(4 edits)

Dear developer,  i can not crouch with ctrl button.  God bless you.

Dear developer, light can not be switched with f button. i can not crouch with ctrl button. When i press try again then game load very slow. When i win the game and i try again then door is unlocked. Also i can sometimes see trough walls and flashlight sometimes do not shine good.

(1 edit)

Dear developer, i can not minimize configuration window. i can not minimize the game with windows start button on keyboard. I can not pause game with esc button. I can not set music off or graphic quality in game. When i fall to void then game runs at 15 fps. God bless you

Dear developer, esc button does not show pause menu. I do not know what to do with ball when i coloured red and green and blue circles. I can not set vsync. Player can not crouch with ctrl button. i can not catch ball.

Trizzle community · Created a new topic feedback

Dear developer, i can not crouch with ctrl button. Please update game to directx 12 with raytracing support. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. God bless you. Sounds are low volume at start.

(1 edit)

Dear developer, please update game to directx12 with raytracing support. Please add daynight cycle and weather effects. I found a bug where if you press ctrl button on stairs then player would not continue walking. God bless you.

Dear developer, music does not stop when i minimize game with windows start button on keyboard. Also i can not set vsync and graphics options in the game. I like closing game with esc button. Please add more levels. God bless you. Also i can not set music off. Player can not crouch with ctrl button.

Dear developer, please add daynight cycle. Also i can not pause game with esc button.

I can go to upstairs with repeatedly walking

Dear developer, configuration window can not be minimized. i can not minimize game with windows start button on keyboard. I can not click yes button to restart game. Player can not jump. I can not crouch with ctrl button. I can not set graphics options in the game. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. God bless you.

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dear developer, configuration window can not be minimized to taskbar. I can not set antialiasing or vsync or fullscreen or graphic settings in the game. Please update game to directx 12 with raytracing support. Please add physx particles. Game runs around 20 fps. i can not jupm with space bar or crouch with ctrl button or sprint with shift button. My device is asus g750jh with windows 10 insider preview. God bless you.

file does not exist.

(1 edit)

Dear developer, configuration window can not be mnimized to taskbar. app can not be minimized with windows start button on keyboard. Esc button does not pause the game. I can not shoot laser to break glass. Please add physx particles. I can not set antialiasing or graphics quality or vsync or fullscreen in the game. Please update game to directx 12 with raytracing support. i can not crouch with ctrl button. when i finish second room then platform is not good for walking  and i have to sprint and jump to get out. textures are flickering near cake. I can not see my shadow. Hands are floating in mid air. laser does not break to show line indicating where it would shine when i hover mirror. I can not set music or sounds off. God bless you.

(3 edits)

Dear developer, i can not set antialiasing or mouse sensitivity. I can not set vsync. I can not set graphic quality in the game. I would like relax gameplay without money just building and storing pc into big storage room. Also I can not sometimes put second ssd into place. Please add server workstations with multiple gpu to build. I can not get discount after 1600.  Player does not have head. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. I would like to see painting the case. Sometimes i can not pick up items. Please add trees and random walking characters on street. Please add daynight cycle and weather effects. God bless you.

Dear developer, after day is gone then mouse is not locked. I have to press esc button then resume button.

Dear developer, i can not set graphic quality. Game run at 35 fps. My device is asus g750jh with windows 10 insider preview.

Dear developer, i can not crouch with ctrl button and i can not switch off motion blur.

(2 edits)

Dear developer, esc button does not pause game sometimes and i can not turn off subtitles. Please update game to directx12 with raytracing support. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested.

Dear developer, game can not be minimized with windows start button on keyboard. I can not set antialiasing or fullscreen or volume or vsync.

Dear developer, please add option to download zip archive.

Dear developer, please update game to directx12 with raytracing support.

Dear developer, at the end where cube is shoot to distance, then the cube is bugged out sometimes and I do not know what to do. I think that game is unfinished. Game is very good. God bless your work. Please add more levels.

Game can not be minimized with windows start button on keyboard. game freeze when i fall down. Please add bottom floor.Please update game to directx12 with raytracing support. I can not set antialiasing. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. Game is not translated to slovak. God bless you.

God bless you.

Dear developer, there is part with making sad kid with destroying a car. Please change the part to destroy something else. This is not nice. I am Christian.

Dear developer, in level 1-2 player is white when i walk over spike section when i take item. Also in game the things to scratch and mouse and fish has white outlines.

Dear developer, game is not 64bit. Playstation 3 gamepad was not tested. Game does not minimize itself when i press windows start button on keyboard. Music does not stop in background.

(2 edits)

Dear developer, i can not look straight up or down. There is level with coriddor into sky and i jumped  and keep falling. I think that game is unfinished. Please add more levels.