You can one-shot everyone except the drones and big pistol guys with a revolver
I like this game better than Karlson. They're both epic, but this one takes the cake.
Dang it, those darn pre-roll ads.
noooo, you got me this time.
ok. That's fine if that's your opinion
That would be weird
Not rave
I mean Rage
He makes rage games, its supposed to be super hard and make you want to rave
The game works fine. Of course, there are some imperfections but what would you expect. It's just a hard game that you are probably terrible at so you decide to call the game bad to make excuses for your non-gamer skills.
For anyone who did not see the video that Dani (the developer) made, here it is. I highly suggest you watch it to better understand the game.
Wow that was really cool
wow that was really cool
That is all true, but did you even watch his video? It is a little different than what you might think.