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A member registered Sep 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Im stuck there too

I really like it

Aw dang i just finished the first build and i like it thai cliff hanger has me curious as to what's next

I loved it🙌

Until next time fighers

We got faith in Zan 😤

Morgan and mugi are my favorites 


Tate makes my heart smile

I love Rask and Tom

Idk why but i have gained a liking to Bruce

Will Rask have a possible route in the future? I oddly like him a lot

I love Luke

Aniki 😎

Never been so interested and scared at once, definitely a favorite

Fourth 🤷




My favorite game is back 🙏

Tate a favorite truly 😎

R.i.p Kemo hope y'all well

House Chores community · Created a new topic Issue

Is it just me or is it not downloading for Android?

I think I completed all the quests so I'm kinda finished with it for now but I like the game and it's potential for the future

I haven't even finished and now it's longer 😎👍

I ended up living this more than I expected really a personal connection

I slowed down playing because I got attached, I'll hate when I'm done because I'd play endless.

( I'm saying this like I don't have two more routes to complete)

I love this game, hope the Aurthors doing good though.

I played and it's much better than I was expecting, hope everythings going well for him though.

Just finished the game so far, I like it, everyones character has a different feel to them. I like all the characters but I have a slight edge towards Beio despite not really being able dive into a route with him. Truly hope you're doing alright and wish you the best after hearing the speech.

Good to see this games still catching more attention, didn't do all routes, I felt too much a emotional connection with them👍

I really like the game, I'm still semi new to the world of visual novels but this is very different from the other ones I have played, then such a heavy cliff hanger im interested in the next update 👍

It reminds you of echo?

I'm sure this is a new one, it looks fun🤪

There's just one route?

I like everything, saw something about a new update hopefully coming soon, very curious about powers and things

Heck let me know when this happens too