tested it a while and it works just fine on linux mint. i can't see any reason why it shouldn't work just as good on steamOS/Steamdeck.
Recent community posts
in theory, the game should be able to be run in steamdeck via steam's proton.
right now, i'm downloading the demo through itch app and will add it as a nonsteam game to steam library and in the preferences select run with compatibility tool "proton Experimental".
i've done this with many other games so far and others have already confirmed that it works for almost all titles on Arch Linux (which the SteamOS is based on).
So maybe all you might need to do is to provide (thoroughly tested) instructions on how to do that.
i love that you have built an interiour that actually connects, instead of sections that only pretend to fit onto eachother. so biiig plus there!
for maximum playability, the perfect camera position would be to look just through the upper right of her shoulder. your position is already near that sweet spot.
sometimes the camera cannot be further out and is pushed into her. maybe make it detect when that happens and make her invisible so aiming the weapon is still possible.
I suspect i could play it, if i were able to reduce grafic effects outside of the game.
Currently, whenever i start it, i am stuck in a black screen, Alt-Tab doesn't work properly and neither does ctrl-alt-del, but they both atleast reveal hints of a crash report.
My only option at that point is to reboot to escape the blackscreen and get control over my PC again.
if you'd divide season 1 and 2 into different games on itch, they'd not mess up the app.
currently, it always tries to update no matter how uptodate both games are.
and aslong as any of the seasons isn't updated, it doesn't even show the option to launch the already installed season
currently it offers me two different installs of season 2 to launch, but none of the installed season one installs.
so i got to navigate to the folder and start the files manually.
this also results in itch app not recognizing that i played the game at all.